Leon County Owns 5,752 Acres, 100 Buildings

Leon County Owns 5,752 Acres, 100 Buildings

According to a recent status report, as of December 31, 2024, the Leon County real estate portfolio consisted of 532 parcels totaling 5,752 acres, and 100 buildings with 2,252,539 square feet.  Provided below are descriptions related to the selected categories.


Eighty (80) buildings support the daily business of Leon County Government, Constitutional Offices, and other public entities, and comprise 2,178,340 square feet.  These buildings are located on 46 parcels that support County or County supported functions such as the Historic Amtrak Station, Library, Public Health offices, Public Safety Complex, Public Works, Solid Waste Collection sites, etc.  In addition, the County owns or operates facilities in support of its Parks and Recreation Program which are detailed in a separate section of this item.

Of the 80 County-owned buildings, three buildings generate leasing activity which is facilitated by the Division of Real Estate Management.  The Leon County Annex (Annex) and the Lake Jackson Town Center both generate revenue for the County. Leon County contracts with NAI Talcor to market these properties. The properties house a mix of both County functions and private tenants. 

The third County-owned building is located at 2990 Apalachee Parkway and Capital Circle Southeast, at Cross Creek Square, which contains two units totaling 60,000 square feet.  On January 26, 2021, the Board authorized the purchase of the Cross Creek Square location to house the Voting Operations Center.  Suite 1, with 45,000 square feet, is currently occupied by the Supervisor of Elections, while Suite 2, with 15,000 square feet, was recently renovated in 2023. 

Facilities Leased

This designation includes one parcel owned by Trinity United Methodist Church that is leased by the County to provide additional parking for patrons at the Leroy Collins Leon County Library located at 200 Park Avenue West.

Parks and Recreation

This category includes boat Landings, community centers, parks, and parks-leased.  Parcels are utilized for recreation, well-being, and entertainment for County citizens.  The portfolio contained 70 parcels, with 2,781.5 acres and 16 buildings, in 2024.

Right-of-Way (ROW)

The Division of Real Estate works to acquire land to provide temporary and/or permanent access to other County-owned property or County construction projects.  During 2024, the ROW category consisted of 35 parcels, totaling 181 acres, with no buildings.

Water Management

As of December 31, 2024, Leon County has 334 parcels with 1,578.6 acres designated as water management.  These properties were acquired for County stormwater needs, acquired as flooded residential properties with County or Federal funding, or escheated properties that are in a floodplain.

Other County Property Interests

In addition to properties owned, Leon County Government also leases properties from other entities to provide cultural and recreational services to residents.  For example, Leon County has lease agreements with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection for two greenways: J.R. Alford Greenway and Miccosukee Canopy Road Greenway.  The County also has long-term leases with the North Florida Fairgrounds and the Red Cross for property owned by the County.