Provided below are the news briefs from the February 25, 2025, Leon County School Board meeting.
Recognitions & Reports
Item 4.01: 2025 Junior League’s Big Bend Bites/Mighty Meals – Saturday, March 8, 2025.
Item 4.02: Title I Advisory Council – Marie Claire Lehman, Co-Chair
Item 4.03: Equity Florida – Celebrating Leaders in Advancing LGBTQ Equality.
Items Considered by the Board
Item19.01: The Board voted unanimously, following a public hearing, to approve amendments to Policy 8310-Public Records, effective February 26, 2025.
Item 19.02: The Board voted unanimously, following a public hearing, to approve New Policy 5730 – Equal Access for Nondistrict-Sponsored Student Clubs and Activities, effective February 26, 2025.
Item 19.03: The Board voted unanimously, following a public hearing, to approve amendments to Policy 8407 – Safe-School Officers, effective February 26, 2025.
Item 19.04: The Board voted unanimously, following a public hearing, to approve amendments to Policy 8415 – Emergency and Crisis Management, effective February 26, 2025.
Item 19.05: The Board voted unanimously, following a public hearing, to approve amendments to Policy 8420 – Emergency Management, Emergency Preparedness, and Emergency Response Agencies, effective February 26, 2025.
Item 19.06: The Board voted unanimously to approve the Rippee Construction, Inc. Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) Contract for Phase II – New gym lobby, new gym floor lighting, new bleachers, repaint gym inside and out , sand, refinish and restripe gym floor, gym roof replacement, new code required covered ADA access to gym, fire protection and fire alarm required code upgrade to buildings 4, 6 and 9, new public sidewalk access to gym , buildings 4 and 9 ceiling and light replacement Project Contract for RFQ 247-2024 Construction Manager Services for Nims Middle School.
Item 19.07: The Board voted unanimously to advertise amendments to Policy 5500.01 – Student Discipline Matrix, for a public hearing and adoption on April 8, 2025.
Item 19.08: The Board voted unanimously to approve the water utility easement located on the property of Nims Middle School located at 723 West Orange Avenue Tallahassee, Florida 32310.
Item 19.09: The Board voted unanimously to approve School Board Chair Laurie Cox and School Board Member Alva Smith to attend the FSBA 38th Annual Day in the Legislature Conference to be held in Tallahassee, Florida on March 19 – 20, 2025. There is a registration fee ($195 per person) associated with this meeting.
Item 19.10: The Board voted unanimously to approve the proposed rezoning for John G. Riley Elementary School. The primary reason for the proposed rezoning is to allow John G. Riley Elementary School PreK students to return to their home campus.
Item 19.11: The Board voted unanimously to approveDavid H. Melvin, Inc., Short Form Agreement for Civil Engineering Consulting Services for Fort Braden K-8 School Renovation of Basketball Court.
Item 19.12: The Board voted unanimously to approveHalff Associates, Inc., Short Form Agreement for Civil Engineering Consulting Services for Leon High School Planning and Design Services to Repave Western Driveway.
Item 19.13: The Board voted unanimously for the Waiver of School Board Policy 4130.02 Nepotism – Employment of Relatives of Support Personnel. The Board and staff discussed the search for a new Leon High School head football coach, and their challenges finding someone for the volunteer position. Staff addressed questions related to the appointment of Ricky Bell for the position and the nepotism policy.
Item 19.14: The Board voted unanimously for the approval of Personnel Actions, February 25, 2025.