On March 18, 2025, the Leon County Commission will consider the budget for outside agencies and the Community Human Services Partnership (CHSP) for the fiscal year 2026.
Leon County allocates these funds to non-profit organizations that engage in community initiatives related to issues like homelessness and domestic violence. The budget for FY2026 is finalized in September.
According to agenda item, CHSP requested an early review of the budget by the commissioners to ensure that they will still be receiving funds. Agencies like CHSP are considered ‘non-departmental’ but hold annual contracts with the county. CHSP engages in homelessness relief, and they run five homeless shelters including the Brehon House, Refuge House, and Kearney Center. Currently, their proposed funding for next year is $1,445,000.
The Board will also consider recommendations that:
Establish the non-departmental maximum discretionary funding level for FY 2026 at $74,500 for special events funding.
Establish the Commissioner Office Budgets at $23,500.
Establish the FY 2026 Outside Agency Contracts as follows:
• 2-1-1 Big Bend: $112,500
• DISC Village: $222,759
• Domestic Violence Coordinating Council: $25,000
• Oasis Center: $68,750
• St. Francis Wildlife Association: $71,250
• Tallahassee Senior Citizens Foundation: $179,000
• Tallahassee Trust for Historic Preservation: $63,175
• United Partners for Human Services: $40,000
• Whole Child Leon: $38,000