TPD Officer Shot, Three Suspects At Large

TPD Officer Shot, Three Suspects At Large

A TPD officer has been shot responding to a call on the west side of town. Three suspects are on the run.

On Monday, Sept. 25, at approximately 2:30 a.m., officers with the Tallahassee Police Department responded to what was originally reported as a residential burglary in the 2300 block of Sandpiper Street involving multiple armed suspects.

Through the ongoing investigation, it was determined responding officers interrupted a targeted, drug-related home invasion in progress. A suspect, matching the description of the initial 911 call, was observed by officers fleeing the scene. The officers gave chase and verbal commands for the suspect to stop, but the suspect did not comply.

During the foot pursuit, another involved suspect emerged from the residence and began firing at the officers. The rounds struck one of the responding officers, and they immediately returned fire. The injured officer was transported to a local hospital with serious injuries and taken into surgery. At this time, the officer is in stable condition.

Due to the nature of the incident, TPD’s Tactical Apprehension and Control Team (TAC) responded to the scene. TAC and other responding units worked quickly to ensure the safety of the residents in the area. All three suspects are still outstanding, and efforts remain ongoing to locate and apprehend them.

In press conference, TPD Chief Revell called the incident an “ambush.” “This is absolutely a cowardly act. And absolutely, we will not tolerate this in our city. We will not have this in our city,” said Revell.

Per TPD policy, all officers involved in the shooting have been placed on administrative leave while the investigation is underway.

23 Responses to "TPD Officer Shot, Three Suspects At Large"

  1. Wacked

    Matlow WON… get over it!

    And yet your rant reveals no solutions which you are accusing others of not offering. The silly Democrats posing as conservative Democrats by mocking the Progressive Democrats who in reality are more conservative.

    You and your friends have run Tallahassee into the ground and defending this shows the loyal comrade mentality.

    What a hypocrite who only spews condemnations rather than expending energy on creating a viable platform. Criticizing your opponents is not a platform.

    Although your screed was one minute of my life I will never get back it reveals the self-inflicted self-destruction of liberals.

  2. @Edward Lyle –

    “An ill-educated progressive partisan puppet spewing the DNC morning memo talking points. ”

    If the DNC memo talking point is that nobody on the conservative side can actually articulate how they would ‘be tough on crime’, probably because they haven’t thought past ‘blue is bad!’, then you are doing a great job of proving that talking point!

    How come a good guy with a gun didn’t stop a bad guy with a gun this time? What would you recommend Goad to to get tough on crime? Why hasn’t DeSantis brought back 10/20/life? Why hasn’t DeSantis instructed state attorney offices to stop making plea bargains? I’m sure you’ve got some great conservative ideas, but just decided, again, not to air them. What a crazy coincidence.

  3. @Nicholas Weed –

    “It is not my failure in articulating it is your failure to comprehend that elected officials are not supposed to use taxpayer dollars to secure kickbacks from their special interests.”

    What does that have to do with crime, though?

    “Quite the contrary, as it is not my place to tell them what to do.”

    Yeah, the comment section here has nobody telling them to ‘get tough on crime’, whatever that is.

    “That is why we elect “leaders” and the leaders we are supposed to elect be qualified leaders to lead”

    Again, you seem to have a fundamental misunderstanding about what abilities being a city manager entails. Goad cannot affect sentencing, or the number of jail cells, or if a charge will actually be brought. Those aren’t city functions. This isn’t hard.

    “We get people with the expertise, education, qualifications, and most importantly, humanity. ”

    Those aren’t people who know how to fight crime though. (?)

    “Perhaps you could have saved a lot of energy on wasted drivel, but now you know.”


  4. Mind hurt by Weed (i.e. rhymes with Shmyan Shmay) unable to answer simple questions. Reminds me of when Weed’s tweedle dee, NE Mod couldn’t answer simple questions during Matlow’s reelection a year ago and was lying about vet status.

    mind also hurt by how easy some posters here are peeled away from basic conservative values. an officer was SHOT. PERIOD. revell and goad and the majority of the commission have been pushing for more and harder policing. which led to the attempted cop killer getting caught. it’s what we’ve all been pissed at for months with the tax increase. but we’re gonna let Matlow lackeys squirt out a few anti-establishment posts and pied pipe us away from basics of funding law and order? while an officer is laying right now in TMH trying to protect us? honestly don’t know how some of us posting and reading here can entertain ‘dill’ weeds and ‘moderates’ and think its doing anything to further our conservative agenda. brothers and sisters – are we really thinking Matlow ($oft on crime, more ‘program$’, taxes for homeless) and Porter ($nack$ at meetings) are gonna get us there? more money for Dot Inman’s husband faux programs? no thanks. hold your nose and be smart.

  5. DeepStatePropagandist is just that. An ill-educated progressive partisan puppet spewing the DNC morning memo talking points. Many posters here to include myself, Weed, Pat, and others have exposed this paid-per-post progressive clown for what he/she/it actually is… an lonely annoyance looking for a reaction.

  6. DSP

    “And yet, amazingly, after all of that, you still are completely unable to articulate *what you would have them do* [sic].”

    It is not my failure in articulating it is your failure to comprehend that elected officials are not supposed to use taxpayer dollars to secure kickbacks from their special interests.

    A poor attempt to say that I am unable to articulate. Quite the contrary, as it is not my place to tell them what to do. That is why we elect “leaders” and the leaders we are supposed to elect be qualified leaders to lead; not run their kickback schemes for their re-election campaigns.

    That is like thinking I am supposed to tell a pilot how to fly a plane. We get people with the expertise, education, qualifications, and most importantly, humanity. Not self-serving individuals who use our tax dollars for personal gain to receive campaign contributions known as kickbacks.

    Perhaps you could have saved a lot of energy on wasted drivel, but now you know.

  7. @Nicholas Weed –

    And yet, amazingly, after all of that, you still are completely unable to articulate *what you would have them do*. Why is that? Let’s pretend that a red mayor, Nicholas Weed got elected tomorrow. What *policies* would you put in place to reduce crime? Don’t leave us in confusion; how would *you* fix our crime problem?

    “Defending this chaos is ridiculous and you’ve outed yourself as one of their loyal comrades rather than having any intelligent input, suggestions, and solutions to benefit humanity.”

    LOL. I could care less about Goad or Revell, but I *did* provide input; I like the TEMPO project, conceptually, I like more cops, I like less gun availability.

    What drives me nuts is that it is so emblematic of the conservative ‘thought leaders’ to just say, ‘blah, liberals ruin stuff we should {do some vague thing}’, but they can never actually articulate any details of how {some vague thing} would actually be put in place. It’s all a paper tiger and red meat for to keep the outrage machine perpetually turning.

    What levers does Goad have to ‘get tough on crime’? What are they? What should he do differently? If you can’t answer those questions, and nobody else here can either, you might start to wonder to yourself why you don’t seem to have anything concrete to offer?

    If you can’t spell anything out, that’s because your argument is intellectually bankrupt. So let’s hear it.

  8. DSP

    The City Manager had no prior experience in city management. He was simply a pawn who would be happy to sit in that position at a high pay grade and not only let the (3) elected officials misuse taxpayer dollars to run their campaigns 24/7, but assist them. This is called corruption. And this is why City Hall is known as Kickback Enterprise.

    When they did search for a police chief even the top candidate declined the position because he was too smart to get involved in the obvious corruption going on.

    The fact, and it is – indeed a fact – that the mayor and the city manager are not concerned with the crime crisis which can be verified by them doing nothing, saying nothing, and not even having it on their radar screen then directing taxpayer dollars to other projects to embolden their campaign contributions exemplifies their failures.

    Defending this chaos is ridiculous and you’ve outed yourself as one of their loyal comrades rather than having any intelligent input, suggestions, and solutions to benefit humanity.

    I believe the voters have had enough and they will be more concerned about allowing for a nationwide search for a legitimate city manager rather than keeping Curtis – the hold out – that utilizes the inmates running the asylum mentality for personal gain.

  9. @Pat A –

    “DSP is an atheist so he doesn’t share most folk’s beliefs or values”

    Good one! Here’s the funny thing, reality doesn’t care about whether you believe in sky santa or not. The observable reality is, Goad can’t do anything about if a state attorney prosecutes or not, he can’t do anything about if a judge sentences or not. The observable reality is, nobody seems to be able to articulate ‘get tough on crime’ into actual, implementable policies. The observable reality is that DeSantis’s vision of being tough on crime is policing drag shows.

    @Nicholas Weed –

    “Excellent essay on how to say nothing in 500 Words! You found something you are good at keep up the good work!”

    Good one! Hey, can you explain *how* you think Goad and Revell should be ‘tough on crime’, or is that too much noodling for a conservative these days to actual explain their policy positions?

  10. @Nicholas Weed –

    “You could not be more wrong.”

    No. I could not be more right. The people who work for the states attorney that are pleading out most cases are not city employees. The judges deciding sentences are not city employees. The people who decide how many prisons we have are not city employees. The people who could put 10/20/life back on the roadmap are not city employees. Are you really unable to understand where the boundary lies with Goad’s ability to affect changes?

    “DeSantis is the Best Governor in America.”

    LOL. Well, he certainly hasn’t made it so that the state prosecutor office has ‘gotten tough on crime’ has he? He certainly didn’t get 10/20/life back on the legislative agenda, did he? I mean, it wouldn’t surprise me to find the person who shot the cop was open carrying seeing how that’s legal for everyone these days. Doesn’t sound very tough on crime to me, despite his house (when not campaigning, that is), is like 4 blocks from the worst area of town.

    What state legislative efforts did ‘the best governor in America’ put out? List ’em out! And if there are any, *why haven’t they done anything?*

    “Perhaps you should expend your energies developing a legitimate platform.”

    That’s what I was asking everyone here, including you, do actually do! Instead of saying, ‘Goad should get tough on crime!’, I meant, spell out, what you would have Goad do, *that he actually has power to do*. Can you? You don’t seem to be able to, but I will give you the benefit of the doubt.

    “Disparaging conservatives is not a platform it just shows the lack of one. Come back when you have one.”

    Well, I did mention the TEMPO project at the city, assuming you actually read my response. They are pursuing additional officers, which is in their power, and a good step. In a sense, the gentrification of the area is going to help some, though I’m not really sure how much city policies have to do with that. I’d also say making it harder for every degenerate to get a gun would help, but again, Goad and Revell have no mechanism to perform that action. Other than that, they may be able to nip around the edges with social programs, but ultimately, I don’t think at a local level enough dollars or willpower exists to try actually change places like 32304.

    But if *you* have some *specific* ideas of what might help from a big tough red mayor, let’s hear em! What does ‘get tough on crime!’ actually mean? Or do you guys like to say stuff cause it’s fun but never actually try to think about how, or if, they could be implemented?

  11. Left wing democrats in charge of every aspect of this city created this mess and the only solution they currently have is to loot as much of our money as they can before tshtf.

  12. DSP

    “Goad does not have that ability either.”

    You could not be more wrong. Your screed is the failed mantra that is driving the blue ideology over the cliff. Your attempt to obfuscate then making atonements for the leadership is nonsense (and you know it)

    Also, your disparagements of DeSantis only magnifies his accomplishments and the Democrats their lack thereof. DeSantis is the Best Governor in America.

    Perhaps you should expend your energies developing a legitimate platform.
    Disparaging conservatives is not a platform it just shows the lack of one. Come back when you have one.

  13. A lot of people on this site are real tough on crime, at least in the comments. But I’m honestly not clear what they expect Revell, or Goad, to *actually do*.

    What does ‘be tough on crime’ mean? Revell has no capacity to affect how the DA does, or does not charge people that are arrested, much less how the decide, or do not decide, to make plea bargains. Goad does not have that ability either.

    My suspicion is that most crimes receive a plea deal because the prosecutors office simply doesn’t have enough people to take everyone to trial; there aren’t enough judges, or courtrooms to have trials without 80% of crimes being plead out.

    How would any of the commenters here suggest that Goad meaningfully affect how the DA charges criminals? How would any of the commenters here propose Goad affect how long someone is in a county or state prison before being released? What action should he take, up and above not being a democrat?

    I mean I get it, you like blaming blue politicians for everything. It makes you feel good. But the lot of you don’t seem to understand the clear and hard lines of responsibility that Revell and Goad live within. You think the state attorney’s office is going to listen to Goad, or some hypothetical red mayor who calls in to complain about crime? Do you think the states attorney office is happy about having to plead out the overwhelming majority of crimes that cross their desk because they hate America or something? Does anyone really think that if Goad called the state attorney, he could get 10/20/life resurrected? He can’t.

    The sausage in a suit, DeSantis, has had years to get something like 10/20/life (re) passed, but he spent all of his oxygen trying to police drag shows; has it occurred to you that maybe he could have been spending his time better than ghost writing a book and having bills passed to protect who was funding his (doomed) presidential campaign?

    There just aren’t funds to prosecute everyone. There just aren’t beds to house everyone. That is austerity.

    As far as zip codes go, most of the violent crime does seem to originate, and stay, within very local areas. But what would a ‘tough on crime’ approach to that reality actually look like? Evict them from the county? I’m genuinely curious if anyone can expound on something that:

    Goad or Revell can actually do.
    Would meaningfully affect crime.

    I actually kind of like the TEMPO project that the City has in place; it at least aims to train at risk youth. I have no idea how to gauge it’s effectiveness, but it is at least, directionally, an attempt to alter the trajectory of kids that are more likely to become criminals. But what else?

  14. ref: “In press conference, TPD Chief Revell called the incident an “ambush.” “This is absolutely a cowardly act. And absolutely, we will not tolerate this in our city. We will not have this in our city,” said Revell.

    First of all, Chief: you promoted the behavior by not being tough on crime. And IMO you are not going to do $h1t about this. What are you going to do? You’re not going to do anything. Tell us. What is your plan? You ain’t got no plan. Someone one your staff told you what to say and I’m sure you are home by now.

    If anyone knows where our crime problem is it is the Police Chief. Where is the Chief tonight? Is he working overtime to fight crime or is he home? Until you declare war on the part of the city that commits the absolute most crime, local officials are just p1$$ing down your back telling you it is raining. Revell isn’t going do anything about it. The Leon Co Sheriff isn’t going to do anything about it. The Gadsden Co. Sheriff isn’t going to do anything about it because the County and City Commission do not want them to take any serious action to fight crime.

    Folks, the problem is being politically correct, trying to lift up the part of the community that is committing all this crime is an exercise in futility. The 32304 likes their community just the way it is. The government money flows in, no need to get a job, the more kids they have the more money they get and being a Gangsta is the preferred way of life. Stop trying to raise up a community that has no intention of being like you.

    Get real. Do not wait until you or a family member is the victim of a horrible crime. Call your city/county official and tell them, enough is enough.

  15. I’m not sure what all you’re planning on spending $9,000,000 on but, a $6,000,000 Bump in the TPD Budget should get you 100 New Officers at $60,000 a Year Salary.

    We need a DA that will actually place Harsher Charges on the Criminals and Judges that will give longer Sentences. If someone purposely points a Gun at you and pulls the Trigger, even if the miss, it needs to be ATTEPTED FIRST DEGREE MURDER, not Assault & Battery. If you are killed, it should be First Degree Murder. They pulled the Trigger with great intention to KILL YOU, they were WANTING to Kill You, that is why they pulled their Gun on you. The Suspect that shot this Officer WANTED to Kill Him so, the Suspect needs to be charged with Attempted FIRST DEGREE MURDER and receive 20 YEARS in Prison.

  16. “we will not tolerate this in our city. We will not have this in our city”, yeah? is that right…? and what is going to be done to prevent this from happening? you gonna direct officers to vigorously pursue criminals? turn over impeccable strong cases to a DA that will follow through? you know where the crime is, its the same neighborhoods, same individuals. You’d fix it if you wanted to. No budget in that is there. what a pathetic attempt to appear strong and in charge. This city’s crime problem has gotten worse, year and year after year. Leaderships soft on crime policies work exactly how anybody with 4 brain cells expects them to work. this town is in a death spiral of worsening crime with no improvement in sight. results of DECADES of blue policies. Revell just go to a chamber retreat, drink the blue urban-metropolitan cool aid, and follow Mayor Flintstones directive until we are the San Fran or Chicago of the south. this will be out of the news cycle by Friday and then you can stop pretending to take actions… condolences to the officer and family, the individuals situation is truly saddening, I hope they make a full recovery.

  17. That’s Right, T G Brown!!! They would say, he wanted to be a doctor so he could give back to his community. We have a serious problem in our Country that Democrats have no intention of solving.

  18. Tallahassee: Just another blue cesspool. And had the cop eliminated the perp, the mom would be on TV saying what a great boy he was.

  19. Prayers!

    Never was the crime problem on Mayor Dailey’s campaign radar screen, prior, during his first term, or now. Mayor DAILEY and Reese Goad please resign or please Governor DeSantis remove these two buffoons. Amen.

  20. I hope the officer will be okay.

    We are 300 officers shy of where we need to be and our city commission whines about hiring 10 more officers. You get what you vote for. 10!

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