Big Bend PBA Announces Campaign Endorsements

Big Bend PBA Announces Campaign Endorsements

On The Steve Stewart Show on Tuesday, Richard Murphy, the President of the Big Bend Chapter of the Florida Police Benevolent Association (PBA), announced the union’s endorsements in several local races.

Murphy noted that the candidate evaluations involve interviews and the review of public positions on issues import to law enforcement.

The endorsements cut across partisan and racial divides.

In the two city commission races, the police union endorsed incumbent Curtis Richardson over Dot Inman-Johnson and challenger Rudy Ferguson over current City Commissioner Jack Porter.

In a press release announcing the city commission endorsements, Murphy stated, “Every day, Tallahassee police officers sacrifice their personal safety as they work courageously to maintain public safety in every community throughout our city…Now more than ever, our members and their families need our local officials to support our efforts and to protect our rights as essential first responders so that together, we can make Tallassee a safe and vibrant city for all of our fellow residents.”

Murphy added, “Curtis Richardson has been a staunch PBA supporter for over 20 years and Rudy Ferguson will bring much needed common sense to the city commission to mitigate the continued demonization of law enforcement officers. Our members can depend on both of these outstanding leaders to continue to stand with us and advocate for us in the future.” 

In the Leon County Commission District 4 race, the union will support incumbent Brian Welch over challenger Isaac Montilla, and in the at-large race, the union endorsed current Leon County Commissioner Carolyn Cummings over challenger David Hawkins.

In the Florida state legislature, the union has endorsed two incumbents. In the race for Florida House District 9 – Allison Tant was the choice and in the race for Florida State District 3, Senator Corey Simon will get the backing of law enforcement.

Law Enforcement Critical of Commissioner Porter’s Positions

Of the six announced endorsements, the police union endorsed just one challenger and that was Rudy Ferguson over incumbent Tallahassee City Commissioner Jack Porter.

Murphy explained that if an incumbent elected official is generally supportive of issues important to law enforcement, it is tough for challengers to garner the endorsement.

However, Murphy noted that this is not case with current City Commissioner Jack Porter.

Murphy listed a number of actions where – in their view – Porter promoted an anti-law enforcement narrative. These actions included a vote against the adopted police contract, the appointment of defund the police advocates to the citizen’s police review board, and her sharp criticism of the police chief.

11 Responses to "Big Bend PBA Announces Campaign Endorsements"

  1. Preston

    If you’re willing to look past “the tax issue” then yes nothing you write or say does matter here. It is the essential issue, waste fraud and abuse of Tallahassee public dollars continues under the status quo and arguing to retain it is not conservative

  2. NE Moderate: Dear friend…if you support Matlow/Porter due to the tax issue there is nothing anyone will say or write which matters. You simply don’t see the bigger picture. Raising taxes was wrong, but if you think for one millisecond this community is better going progressive you are intentionally ignoring what is happening in illiberal communities around the nation. I will do all I can to keep Tallahassee from becoming Portland. BTW: Why won’t Jack answer the questions about her trips? Commonsense: You’re kidding, right? LOL!!!!

  3. These comments seem to indicate that most of you do not attended or bother to watch the city meetings. That includes Preston.

    Until you’ve actually listened to the words and seen the body language of the Major and Commissioners on various agenda items, it’s really not fair to just criticize and put childish labels on the City Commission participants.

    I highly recommend attending or watching a few meetings. You may start to see how the 3-2 vote results evolve and the discussions that lead to that usual outcome. You may even start to form a different opinion and understanding of the commissioners.

    Be sure to watch the Commissioner Comments segment near the end. Hopefully the Mayor doesn’t abruptly end the meeting depriving ALL commissioners from voicing their concerns.

  4. I agree with Preston on this. Although I do not agree with every position Commissioner Richardson takes, he’s at the very least a good man and honest Democrat. However, if you vote for his opponent, you’re putting the majority in the hands of the Pro-Hamas Progressives (Pizza Boy & Porter).

    Commissioner Richardson’s opponent has already publicly admitted that she will align with these two ultra-left-wing lunatics and be the “third vote” in support of their dangerous and destructive Anti-America, Anti-Family, Anti-Freedom, Anti-LEO agenda.

    @ DoctorTuna… Don’t be so naïve. The Pro-Hamas Progressives (Pizza Boy & Porter) only voted against the tax increase and Charter Amendment on Commission pay raises because they knew the votes to pass them were already in place. It’s nothing more than a dishonest attempt to feign fiscally conservative in hopes of tricking real conservatives into voting for them. Jack and the Jerkweed are not interested in serving this city or our citizens… they only seek to serve themselves and their warped progressive agenda and ideology of controlling every aspect of your life. Support them at you own peril.

  5. The union’s position on the Jack Porter race is correct. Porter, and her mentor, Jeremy Matlow, are at odds with law enforcement. The City is one vote from becoming Portland of the southeast and citizens best remember that. Porter continues to refuse to answer questions about her “activities” and related expenses (smoke = fire) and Matlow continues to slander law enforcement officers. An Ethics Commission complaint and a lawsuit could settle that, but the election will settle it sooner. By reelecting Richardson (an honest Democrat and a really good and decent man) and sending Porter to her true calling, an activist, the City can stop the internal bickering and push past the illiberal nonsense ruining so many communities across the country.

  6. The PBA is a UNION, just like the AFL-CIO, The Teamsters, the UAW and the Florida Teachers Association. Like all unions, the PBA supports candidates who support unions, not necessarily the candidates who are best for the citizens.

  7. With the crime we have seen of course the chief will be criticized. Porter besides fighting higher taxes was right about that

    Chief Lawrence Revell making $200,000+ compensation, politicking at Tiger Bay twice already this year? inviting sharp criticism, glad someone isn’t afraid of the ticket writer racket

  8. After driving the big city property tax hike PBA shooting itself in the foot endorsing one guaranteed loser and another unpopular career politician tax raiser in city races

    PBA union should consider new leadership, they seem stuck in the Charlie/Scott Maddox era

  9. No matter, I will always support our Law Enforcement. They have my Respect and if elected, I will do what ever I can to make their Jobs Safer.

  10. Unions only do what is in the Union’s best interest. They may try and frame it as a Safety Issue or Crime Prevention issue, but rest assured any benefit the Union pushes for that benefits the citizens is completely a coincidence.

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