Developing Story: Porter, Inman-Johnson Campaigns Support Major Increase in Fire Service Spending

Developing Story: Porter, Inman-Johnson Campaigns Support Major Increase in Fire Service Spending

Tallahassee City Commission candidates Jack Porter and Dot Inman-Johnson are proposing $60,000 starting salaries for firefighters, which – if implemented – would result in a major increase in the fire service fund budget and a possible increase in the fire service fee.

All Tallahassee residents pay a fire service fee via the City of Tallahassee utility bill.

Current estimates indicate the proposal could cost over $4 million in recurring annual costs. However, Porter and Inman-Johnson have not revealed how the new cost would be funded.

Ironically, both Porter and Inman-Johnson are campaigning against a 2023 property tax increase which addressed public safety by hiring more police officers and investing in crime fighting technology.

The Proposal

Porter says she believes their annual salary should start at $60,000, which is more than what the union has requested. “I think that is what we should do if we want to pay them a fair wage and undo some of the damage that we’ve done to our department by putting them through this ordeal.”

Inman-Johnson is part of group called Friends of Tallahassee Firefighters which is calling for $60,000 to be the starting point for any fireman and an escalated scale of 8% for every category of fire worker to be paid in that three-year contract.

During the recent political forums, Porter & Inman Johnson have advocated for increase spending but have not proposed how the new benefits for firefighters would be funded.

16 Responses to "Developing Story: Porter, Inman-Johnson Campaigns Support Major Increase in Fire Service Spending"

  1. I propose a bridge to be built spanning Lake Iamonia East to West to relieve traffic on SR 12. The design should include a runway for airboats and a drawbridge for barges.

  2. I propose a bridge to be built spanning Lake Iamonia East to West to relieve traffic on SR 12. The design should include a runway for airboats and a drawbridge for barges. I am thankful.

  3. @Edward

    That is your take on why Matlow & Porter voted No on raising taxes and increasing politician pay. Why did Curtis Richardson, Dianne Williams-Cox and John Dailey vote Yes on increasing taxes and increasing politician pay?

  4. @ Immanuel… I already answered that question, to wit: “both Matlow and Porter voted against the tax increase and Commission raises initiative because they knew the votes were there to pass them anyway. Nothing more than a political move to feign conservative principles and mislead voters.”

    @ Ms. Inman-Johnson… With respect…

    1. There is no way the increase in firefighter pay does/will not impact the Fire Service Fee, and you know that.

    2. Matlow and Porter voted against the tax increase and Commission raises initiative because they knew the votes were there to pass them anyway… and you know that too. You’re advocating for removing the tax-exempt status for churches?

    You know exactly why certain so-called “churches” are not tax-exempt. If not, then you’re not as informed as I believe you are.

    3. I have no problem with the increased cost of the Law Enforcement Operations Center. By the way, it’s not a “campus”. This isn’t college frat time mama… it’s life and limb on the line.

    4. I’ll put the same challenge to you as I did Matlow. Who by the way exposed himself as a fraud by not committing or even responding… to wit: Will you publicly pledge that if the Commissioner raise is approved by the voters, that you will pledge that increase amount – annually and in perpetuity respective to your term(s)- to the Tunnels to Towers Foundation?

    I’ll humble and respectfully await your response(s).

  5. It’s good to see Dot here.
    Could she clarify the $750,000 funding request made by her and her husband to the CRA for their personal venture? The word on the street is that she is running against Curtis because Curtis said NO to their request. If it is true, this raises significant questions about accountability, as seeking such a substantial sum without personal or bank financing into the project seems irresponsible.

    Dot should also address financial troubles of the City of Midway during her tenure there, along with other financial scandals she has been involved in with the City of Tallahassee when she was a Commissioner.

  6. Maybe, Tallahassee Reports could have written a story based on facts if they had bothered to interview me on a story about me. Since you didn’t, here’s my response.

    I recommend that firefighters be paid from general operating just as police are, not from a fire service fee. They are both public safety employees and risk their lives every day to protect all of us. There would be plenty of money to pay them if Dailey, Cox, and Richardson would stop the City Manager’s wasteful spending of our tax dollars. Examples: Police campus development cost went from $40m to $135m with no opposition by any commissioners except Matlow and Porter, 3 new asst City managers at almost $250,000 each, giving many churches a free ride on the fire service fee, but not all churches, and forcing firefighters to cover the deficit with lower pay, and let us not forget that Richardson, Cox, and Dailey voted to increase their own pay by 100% while refusing to pay firefighters the 5% pay increase all other City employees received October 2023. There is much, much more.
    Tallahassee Reports, if you are going to tell the story, please tell the whole story!

  7. @ Edward Lyle = You are correct, that is why M&M is pushing hard for it, they know they stand to make $Millions, I am expecting Car Crashes to go up if this is passed. I will be voting NO on it but I suspect it will pass.

  8. Why is my earlier reply not posted? Shall I call the Democrat instead? Need verification of my facts? Then reach out to me and I’ll happy to provide facts. 850-539-5389.

  9. They would have more than enough money to pay the firefighters if they werent paying city managers car allowance cell phone allowance rainy day allowance xmas bonus allowance just cause you feel like it allowance.

  10. @Edward but then why did Curtis Richardson, Dianne Williams-Cox and John Dailey all vote for the tax increase and politician pay raise?

  11. @ Immanuel… both Matlow and Porter voted against the tax increase and Commission raises initiative because they knew the votes were there to pass them anyway. Nothing more than a political move to feign conservative principles and mislead voters. And Inman-Johnson has already stated publicly that she will be the third vote for the destructive Pro-Hamas Progressive agenda. Dot = Don’t for me and mine.

    @ David… Morgan also supports he weed initiative because he and his family will make serious bank of the insurance lawsuits that come with it. What the media and politicians won’t tell you is that where weed has been given free reign, although it generates tax revenue, it also generates lawsuits as a result of increased slip-n-falls, pedestrian deaths, crime, and vehicle crashes… not to mention the negative impacts on tourism and the workforce quality and participation rate. Morgan and Morgan… For the Morgans.

    @ Old Glory and Mary… correct of both points.

  12. Leon county schools stopped paying fire service fee in 2020 and now owe over 6 million in past due fees. Half of all churches have been exempted from paying the fire service fee while many other churches pay thousands per year in fees. This inequity is the problem and has been perpetuated by our city manager and his three loyal supporters on the commission.

  13. There are many ways to achieve firefighters having equal pay vs police without raising taxes. They could have given police and fire $60k without raising taxes.

    The spending that threatens to raise taxes again is $135 milliion for a new police “campus”

  14. Jack voted against the property tax increase and Dot has been doing a great job letting us know Curtis raised our taxes. Porter voted against the raise August

  15. If John Morgan gets his wish, you can heavily Tax Pot to pay for it. After Biden’s Press Conference the other night, they interviewed Morgan. He raised over $1,000,000 for Biden. When Biden loses, I wonder if he will ask for it back.

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