Commissioner Jack Porter: Social Services Should Be Priority Over New Law Enforcement Funding

Commissioner Jack Porter: Social Services Should Be Priority Over New Law Enforcement Funding

In a story published by WCTV, City Commissioner Jack Porter revealed she voted against an increase in the 2024 city’s property tax millage rate because it funded hiring more police officers.

Porter does not believe more police officers will have an impact on crime.

In response to comments by City Commissioner Curtis Richardson about the need for police officers to address a spike in violent crime, WCTV reported that Porter said “there are better ways to invest in the community.”

Porter told WCTV, “There is so much that we know that is leading to that increase in crime and I don’t believe the police budget, or the police are equipped to handle in the best way. I think alternatives would be investing in our housing, investing in our social services, investing in mental health services.”

The comments were made after a city commission vote on taxes on September 27, 2023.

Porter’s rationale for not supporting more funding for law enforcement is consistent with the progressive ideology which prefers to shift spending away from law enforcement and towards social programs.

14 Responses to "Commissioner Jack Porter: Social Services Should Be Priority Over New Law Enforcement Funding"

  1. Let’s just call it like it is… Leon County needs to be cut out and moved to California or New York! Or maybe just pay all the communists to move there. They are ruining this place!

  2. There is a lot of need especially in funding homeless intervention services. look at what the kearney center does with so little and duplicate it. its not that complicated folks.

  3. @TallyFF … Ummm, Jack, Dot, heck Kamala, any candidate can by ads in any media outlet. It is the law. Print, TV, radio, online cannot prohibit any ad if it accepts one. Additionally, media outlets are prohibited to charge any different rate or offer anything but the same placement or times. It’s up to candidates where they spend their money. There is ZERO bias. Just trying to help you understand how it all works. Lastly, the actual words of a candidate which offers clarity on their motivations for voting as they do is not a “smear.” The truth is never, ever a smear. It’s just the truth that Jack opposed raising the property tax for one reason. Funding police. She was in favor of raising taxes before. It’s just a fact. @Emma …LOL, Progressives will never do a thing to include or work with conservatives. It’s an law of their nature.

  4. August, every weekday morning I sit at centerville and c-circle and wait for the light, 9 times out of 10 the c-circle N bound has red light runners. The city could put motorcycle patrols there and make a pretty penny every morning. We need more cops, period.

  5. I never see anyone pulled over for traffic violations in this city. People drive like wild Indians with a piece of paper that says “lost tag” taped to the back of the car. No one is remotely worried about getting a ticket for anything…

    Of course we need more cops, anyone that says we don’t isn’t from around here.

  6. Another day another smear article about Jack or Dot while advertising political ads for Rudy and Curtis. TR doesn’t hide their bias.

  7. ” I think alternatives would be investing in our housing, investing in our social services, investing in mental health services.””

    So you are a socialist, the step right before communist. Lovely.
    Govt has no part in raising children, paying for housing or providing healthcare.
    Get back to law enforcement and infrastructure, your primary dutiess\.
    People are responsible for themselves, some cant, some wont, they should suffer the consequences of their behavior.

  8. All this hostility will stop progressives from including conservatives. Lwd knows Daley won’t be much help in a 2-3 minority. We need Matlow-Porter help to stop the pay increase in November

  9. Throwing more money at the poor isn’t helping them. Throwing more money at the poor ensures they will be trapped in poverty for many more generations to come. The idea is just give them a bit more than they could earn working and they will vote Democrat for another 100 years. The taxpayers get screwed in this deal.

  10. What she has said here is correct. While TPD is among the finest to wear blue, many of the issues they are called to correct could be solved much earlier if children were supported in their schools, families had homes not leaking and causing illness, and if our homeless could regain their lives with adequate bus services to even get to work if they wanted to. In the end, I believe in Tallahassee. After all, that’s why I am here. I certainly have my favorites on the Commission, but I also certainly respect them all. We will see who wins.

    -Someone who has lived in Tallahassee since 1996

  11. Sure… because we all know how well the social services welfare state has benefitted our Communities of Color… low these many decades. If you look closely, you can even see the strings attached to Jackboot Porter leading back to the marionette controls held by Pizza Boy Matlow.

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