Breaking: Another $25,000 in California Money Hits Jeremy Matlow’s PAC

Breaking: Another $25,000 in California Money Hits Jeremy Matlow’s PAC

Jeremy Matlow’s quest for a progressive city commission majority is being aided by a $50,000 donation from a California progressive group, the Green Advocacy Group is based in Palo Alto, California, 30 miles south of San Francisco.

TR was the first, and to date the only media outlet, to report about the initial $25,000 contribution from the group that was logged in financial reports on July 22.

Another $25,000 donation was reported in campaign financial documents as being received on July 29.

According to state financial records the progressive group is responsible for over 70% of the contribution to the One Tallahassee political committee created by Matlow to help fund Jack Porter’s re-election and the candidacy of Dot Inman-Johnson.

TR reported that mailers recently sent to Northeast voters supporting Inman Johnson were funded by Matlow’s PAC.

When Matlow created the PAC early this year, he wrote in a social media post, “in response to the toxic, political negativity launched at people-powered candidates the last two cycles, I’m launching a new political committee.”

12 Responses to "Breaking: Another $25,000 in California Money Hits Jeremy Matlow’s PAC"

  1. @DeepState … there is change which renovates the home, but you have to live through the process (it’s messy) and there’s change which burns the house down. That is the choice. Matlow, et al equals torching the community. It is guaranteed. Smart, discerning voters will choose the former.

  2. Sorry, DeepStatePropagandist… but Pizza Boy Matlow, Jack “AOC Mini-Me” Porter, and Do(n)t Johnson are NOT “meaningful leaders”. They are Pro-Hamas Progressive Ideolog Zealots who have no interest whatsoever in working as a collective to improve our City.

    They are disrupters who seek the collapse of a decent and moral society. They hate LEOs, despise individualism and independent thought, and push to indoctrinate and sexualize children.

    Thanks… but as for me and mine, we’ll pass on these destructive clowns. And if our voters have the sense, they need to as well.

  3. “3) If Porter wins and Richardson loses, the votes will once again be 3-2. But this time Dailey and Cox will be the two “new outcasts.”

    Anyone who wants things to change should hope for this outcome; until Reese, Barber and their legion of corrupt ACMs go, there will never be meaningful leadership at the City.

  4. @Ish:
    Many of the scribblers the Fake Newsocrat hires these days look to be FAMU J-Skrewel grads. They are challenged as the steno pool for the City and County Commissars because FAMU teaches them nothing about Critical Thinking.

    Only WHAT to think.

    Which is perfectly fine for a $30K transcription job.

    Example: When was the last time you read a story about a fire or LEO action that didn’t sound exactly like an agency press release? They probably can’t even afford mileage reimbursement for going to the scene anymore.

    And firing “Barney Fwank” won’t solve the problem.

    Another example: In the Knight-Ridder days, copying an FSU press release would’ve been grounds for termination. Now, I see dozens of bylines and photos from FSU Sports Information.

    Inarguably, the Fake Newsocrat can no longer afford to be ethical.

  5. If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it 24 times…

    If you elect and/or re-elect these Pro-Hamas Progressive clowns – aka: Pizza Boy Matlow, AOC Mini-Me Porter, and Do(n)t Johnson – they will turn our fair city into another progressive cesspool like San Fran, New York City, Chitcago… and so many other cities destroyed by these miserable Anti-America Progressives.

  6. @Commonsense … But elections have conquences. Voters must consider the ramifications of those votes. I am happy to offer a based-on-the-record analysis. Sadly, with the exception of Tallahassee Reports, the rest of the media outlets are not asking any questions of substance. The consequences of the local voting will shape this community in tangible ways

  7. @ Isa Kabibble
    I only offered the four possible outcomes of the City Commissioner votes. It’s up to people like you, the voter, to decide what the political ramifications of each possibility will be. What I wrote was simply a common sense “public service” worth keeping in mind as city residents cast their votes.
    Happy voting!

  8. @Commonsese … OR one commission (Matlow, Porter, Inman-Johnson) equals defunding police, firing Chief-of-Police, continued attacks on local business (or any which want to open up), and embracing every left-wing extremist position you will find in other cities of ruination where “exodus” is a popular term; any other commission (Matlow either solo or with just one other), though far from perfect, leads to a much safer community, more economic diversity, and much less intrusion of illiberal extremist narratives. Oh, and some form of civility returns. Matlow is the sower of division. He started it last election cycle. He wants to control this city. He’s power hungry. Believe it. Oh, and I hate to be the bearer, but taxes will go up either way down the road because the recent “no” votes were stricly political … they LOVE taxes, just not for police.

  9. 1) If Porter and Richardson win reelection, most commission voting outcomes will remain 3-2.
    2) If Porter loses and Richardson wins, the voting will shift to 4-1 with Matlow the lonely holdout.
    3) If Porter wins and Richardson loses, the votes will once again be 3-2. But this time Dailey and Cox will be the two “new outcasts.”
    4) If both Porter and Richardson lose, voting results will still be 3-2 with Matlow and Johnson being left behind on commission votes.

    So, pick which City Commission voting outcome you like and cast your votes accordingly. Happy voting!

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