TPD Crime Incidents Continue Trending Down

TPD Crime Incidents Continue Trending Down

Approximately 32 weeks (August 11) into 2024, the number of crime incidents reported by the Tallahassee Police Department continue to trend down when compared to 2023. The latest numbers shown that robbery incidents are down double digits. However, the numbers show that residential burglaries are up 1.2% YTD.

Over the last four weeks, the number of crime incidents have dropped 13.1% when compared to the same period in 2023. During this period property crimes are 9.2% and violent crime incidents are down 20.4%.

TPD Incidents

The daily TPD incident reports indicate that the total number of crime incidents through August 11, 2024, are down 5.8 % when compared to the same period in 2023.

TR’s last report indicated the total number of crime incidents was down 5.0% year-to-date (YTD).

The numbers show that property crime incidents were down 3.8% and violent crime incidents were down 9.7% during the period.

Property crimes encompass burglaries, thefts, incidents of vandalism, and violent offenses, including aggravated assaults, armed robberies, and physical altercations.

While property crimes are down YTD, a closer look shows that residential burglaries are up 1.2% when compared to the same period in 2023.

The decrease in property crime is being driven by a 5.8% decrease in auto related incidents and a 4.5% decrease in commercial burglaries.

The violent crime data during the period shows that robbery incidents were down 18.8%, while assault & battery incidents were down 6.5%.

One Response to "TPD Crime Incidents Continue Trending Down"

  1. A one year comparison is NOT a trend. To be meaningful you need to look at the past few years to see where the current level stands. The current level may be coming down from an abnormally high peak and may still be rather historically high. Or, the current level may be above a historically low level that, along with last year’s number, are both very high. We need to see the last four, five or more years of numbers before a real trend can be declared.

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