City to Resolve Firefighter Contract Issues After Hearing

City to Resolve Firefighter Contract Issues After Hearing

On August 21, 2024, at 10 a.m., the City of Tallahassee will hold a public hearing and resolve the disputed impasse issues between the Tallahassee Professional Firefighters, IAFF Local 2339 and the City of Tallahassee, after hearing the parties’ explanations of their positions regarding the rejected recommendations of the Special Magistrate.

The unresolved issues relate to across the board pay raises and pension expenses for the supervisory bargaining unit.

Each party will have 25 minutes, with an additional 5 minutes for rebuttal, to explain its position to the City Commission with respect to the rejected recommendations of the Special Magistrate.

The Recommended Resolution

With input from both parties, an independent special magistrate who conducted a hearing on the impasse issues on March 27, 2024, rendered his recommended decision on June 17, 2024.

The City did not reject any of the recommendations. On July 2, 2024, the IAFF rejected the recommendation concerning specific provisions related to the salaries and pension for the supervisory bargaining unit.

The IAFF submitted its position and recommendations for resolving the impasse issues on July 8, 2024, and the City communicated its position and recommendations for resolving the impasse issues on July 18, 2024.

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