July Revenue Tops Projection

July Revenue Tops Projection

By The News Service of Florida

Florida totaled nearly $3.43 billion in net general revenue in January, $40.1 million more than had been projected in a January forecast. The Legislature’s Office of Economic & Demographic Research on Wednesday released a report that showed sales taxes, which make up the largest part of general revenue, totaled about $2.94 billion in July.

Corporate income taxes accounted for $233 million, while earnings on investments totaled $120.9 million.

A panel of economists known as the Revenue Estimating Conference meets periodically to update projections. The panel met Aug. 14 and revised the January projections.

General revenue is closely watched because it plays a major role in funding education, health and prison programs. The Joint Legislative Budget Commission, which is made up of House and Senate members, will get an overview of the revised projections Friday.

5 Responses to "July Revenue Tops Projection"

  1. @Mr. Hawkins
    I believe what Mr. Wallace was trying to indicate to you is that the State of Florida has nothing to do with your property tax. If you live in the City of Tallahassee your tax rate is set by the city. If you live in Unincorporated Leon County your tax rate is set by the county.

    As he indicated, just look at your TRIM statement in the upper left-hand corner. It will state either “City of Tallahassee Taxing Authority” or “Leon County Taxing Authority” not State of Florida.

  2. Property taxes in Florida nearly all go to local taxing authorities like counties, cities and school boards. The TRIM notice will tell you where your property taxes are going.

  3. You might want to increase the Funding for the Jails and Prisons because I am pushing for More Arrests and Longer Prison Times to Fight Crime help lower the Crime Rate.

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