NBC News: Over 13,000 Immigrants Convicted of Homicide are Living Outside Immigration Detention

NBC News: Over 13,000 Immigrants Convicted of Homicide are Living Outside Immigration Detention

NBC News is reporting that more than 13,000 immigrants convicted of homicide — either in the United States or abroad — are living outside of Immigration and Customs Enforcement detention, according to data ICE provided to Congress earlier this week.

The report notes that the immigrants are part of ICE’s “non-detained” docket, meaning the agency has some information on the immigrants and they have pending immigration cases in the U.S., but they are not currently in detention either because they are not prioritized for detention, they are serving time in a jail or prison for their crimes, or because ICE cannot find them.

NBC states that the agency’s limited resources limit how many they can locate and arrest. There are currently more than 7.5 million immigrants on ICE’s “non-detained” docket, meaning they have pending immigration cases but are not currently in detention.

Officials told NBC News more local jurisdictions are cooperating and starting to rethink their sanctuary policies in light of increased attention on crimes committed by migrants.

One Response to "NBC News: Over 13,000 Immigrants Convicted of Homicide are Living Outside Immigration Detention"

  1. Since they are saying OVER 13,000, add another Zero and I bet the number is still low. Don’t you just LOVE this Administration?

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