Circuit Judge John Cooper, citing “fatal flaws”, dismissed a lawsuit filed by City Commissioner Jeremy Matlow that alleged the structure of the Blueprint Intergovernmental Agency’s violated Florida’s Sunshine Laws.
City officials reported that as of Sept. 23, the Blueprint IA had paid $55,821 for legal services and costs related to Matlow’s lawsuit.
Matlow, who had previously called the Blueprint process a sham, filed a lawsuit two years ago arguing that the agency’s Intergovernmental Management Committee (IMC) to determine whether the two-person committee is subject to Florida’s broad open government laws regarding open meetings and public access to records. The IMC consists of City Manager Reese Goad and County Administrator Vince Long.
On Monday Judge Cooper granted Blueprint’s motion to dismiss the lawsuit based on the fact the suit did not identify any actions taken by Blueprint. The dismissal will not allow Matlow to refile the complaint.
Matlow’s Lawsuit
When Matlow filed the lawsuit in 2022, he said decisions about local infrastructure spending are too often made outside the public view.
“Over the course of four years, I’ve heard from people all across our community, whether it was the unfortunate way the northeast gateway progressed—you know hundreds of residents in Killearn showing up being confused about the process, not knowing who to speak to. We saw that play out with the Doak Campbell Stadium. People were asking what happened before we got here, how did this come out of nowhere? I think those are valid questions and they speak to the sunshine concern,” Matlow said.
However, Susan Dawson, an attorney representing Blueprint, said the IMC does not need to comply with the Sunshine Law because it’s not a board. Even though it does make recommendations, Dawson explained the IMC functions more like a manager, in that the city manager and county administrator are managing the Blueprint director.
Blueprint’s board is made up of city and county commissioners who are elected and meet publicly. But the Intergovernmental Management Committee does not. The IMC is charged with administering Blueprint programs, recommending policy to the Blueprint board and carrying out its long-range direction. Part of that involves making recommendations about funding decisions.
It’s always a good day when the Pro-Hamas Progressive Pizza Boy gets smacked down for his ignorance.
It’s odd that he wants everything above the board after taking donations from shadow companies in other states that expect to control him (and by default Tallahassee) with a green agenda we never voted for. Almost as if there are different rules for progre$$ive$.
Odd but completely expected. The people living in Killearn never got a true vote on running an Autobahn through their subdivision but I ASSume someone on the council made a mint.
Maybe the IMC needs to be merged with Blueprint.