The Capital Conservatives Club recently announced that Tallahassee Deputy City Manager, Dr. Karen Jumonville will be the guest speaker for their March 18th meeting.
The press release noted that “Dr. Jumonville will discuss what is currently happening in our town and what is coming to Tallahassee during 2025 and beyond. This will include the recent Buc’ees announcement, the Midtown Road construction project, Blueprint, the FSU Foundation plans, various new business/franchises opening, new residential developments in the works, and more!”
City Manager Reese Goad recently announced the promotion of Dr. Jumonville to Deputy City Manager. Jumonville brings more than 28 years of professional experience to her new role, nearly 26 of which have been with the City of Tallahassee. She has served in a variety of critical leadership roles, including as the director of Growth Management.
As Deputy City Manager, Jumonville will provide broad managerial oversight across all departments. She will also oversee Resource Management (the City’s budgeting office), Underground Utilities and Public Infrastructure, Environmental Services and Community Beautification and Solid Waste. These departments have a combined budget of more than $270 million and approximately 700 full-time employees.
“Her presentation will be of interest and importance to ALL RESIDENTS of our city/county. This will be a wonderful opportunity for area residents to listen, learn and ask questions about the future of our community,” said Claude Pichard, President, Capital Conservatives Club.
The meeting will take place in the Elks Club at 276 North Magnolia Drive. There will be a dinner at 5:30pm followed by the monthly meeting from 6 p.m. until 7 p.m.
Anyone is welcome to attend the event.
Dinner is not mandatory but reservations are required if you intend to eat. Please contact Norm Mears at or 850-556-5827 by March 14th if you wish to make dinner reservations.
For more information, you may contact the Capital Conservative Club at 850-251-1223.