The Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) board met yesterday in City Hall chambers. The CRA board is made up of all city commissioners and selected county commissioners. The CRA has current assets of approximately $10 million. The focus of the meeting was to discuss the future mission of the CRA board per requests from a number […]
The City of Tallahassee’s Long Range Target Issue Committee met today at City Hall. Commissioner Nancy Miller and Commissioner Scott Maddox head the committee. The mission of this committee is to focus on areas that will enhance community standards, and propose and implement effective solutions for managing growth and planning for future development of the […]
For the first time since 2007, a recently released report by the United States Department of Commerce indicates that Per Capita Personal Income (PCPI) has increased in all 366 Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSA). Personal income in the United States was up 5.2% in 2011 over 2010 for an average PCPI of $41,560. A MSA is […]
On February 5th, 2013, Tallahassee City Manager Anita Favors-Thompson made a presentation to the Ethics Advisory Panel. The ethics panel was created by the city commission to look into the recent ethical issues surrounding the city commission. The Panel is gathering information and looking at various options from creating an ethics commission, an ethic officer […]
When the City Commission meets and votes to implement a policy, more times than not the policy has been vetted through a Target Issue (TI) committee. The City has five Target Issue committees and two city commissioners set on each of the committees. The committees meet on a regular basis and commissioners and city staff […]
Over the past year or so, the Leon County Sales Tax Committee (STC) has patiently listened to scores of proposals for the use of future sales tax. We could easily have a couple of billion dollars in ideas floating around the community. No doubt, we need infrastructure in this county and we need to expand […]
The County and City Commission approved the Leon County Sales Tax Committee’s recommendation to enter into public/private partnership with Imagine Tallahassee to conduct a community visioning exercise for the economic development portion of the proposed sales tax. On February 1, 2013, the Committee approved a proposal lead by Karen Moore and Jim Murdaugh. The proposal […]
The City of Tallahassee Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) Board met on Monday and one of the issues discussed was a recommendation to appropriate $50,000 to the Riley Museum. On July 13, 2011, the CRA Board approved a $125,000 grant to the John G. Riley Center/Museum for African American History and Culture (Museum) to assist in the […]
The Capital Regional Transportation Planning Agency (CRTPA) met on Monday and the issue drawing the most attention was the proposal to place a median on North Monroe between 7th Avenue and Tharpe Street. CRTPA board members heard a presentation form a transportation consultant and the opinions of business owners affected by the construction of a […]
During the January 28th, 2013 City Commission Financial Viability Target Issue Committee Meeting, city staff informed city commissioners Gillum and Maddox that fuel costs for the electric utility would decrease by approximately $10.5 million in 2013. However, the commissioners were also told that base rates would have to be increased by approximately $8.0 million. Base […]