City Selects 124 Applicants with Criminal Background for Employment in 2014

City Selects 124 Applicants with Criminal Background for Employment in 2014

Tallahassee Reports has learned that in 2014 the City of Tallahassee selected 124 applicants for employment that had checked the box on the City employment application indicating they had a criminal background. After background checks were completed and reviewed, 35 applicants were disqualfied and 89 were hired. This means that during 2014, when 816 people […]

Mayor Gillum Paid by Group Promoting “Ban the Box”

Mayor Gillum Paid by Group Promoting “Ban the Box”

Tallahassee Reports has obtained documents that show Mayor Andrew Gillum is being paid by a group that is advocating for cities accross the United States to adopt “Ban the Box” policies. A debate began two weeks ago about Mayor Gillum’s controversial proposal to remove the criminal background questionnare from the City of Tallahassee’s employment application. […]

The Leon County Economic Report Card

The Leon County Economic Report Card

Tallahassee Reports presents for the first time the “Leon County Economic Report Card.” The ‘Report Card”, provided to the right, has been developed over the last year. The idea behind the “Report Card” is to provide a way for readers to get an in-depth idea of how the local economy is performing in just a few minutes. A look at each measure […]

City Commission Wrestles With Sidewalk Priorities

The city of Tallahassee has been wrestling for a way to prioritize sidewalk construction for the last couple of years. A mix of neighborhood politics, costs, and planning requirements come together to give elected officials, their constituents and city planning staff a headache over which neighborhoods get the next sidewalk project. Over the past 10 […]

US Rep. Graham Criticized for “Southerland Like” Votes

US Rep. Graham Criticized for “Southerland Like” Votes

It did not take long for US Representative Gwen Graham to create a controversey among her supporters. Graham, who defeated Republican Steve Southerland for the District 2 House seat last November, promised voters she would vote against electing party leader Nancy Pelosi as House speaker during her campaign. On Tuesday of last week, Graham kept […]

Andy Alcock Leaving WCTV

Andy Alcock Leaving WCTV

Andy Alcock, a reporter/anchor for WCTV is leaving the CBS affiliate after three years on the job. Alcock, who relocated his family to Tallahassee from Louisville in 2012, signed a three year contract with WCTV which expired this month. He was recruited by then WCTV General Manager Nick Waller for his skills as an investigative […]

Mayor Gillum, City Move To “Ban” Criminal Background Question From Job Application

Mayor Gillum, City Move To “Ban” Criminal Background Question From Job Application

A discussion initiated by Mayor Gillum on December 15, 2014 about eliminating criminal background questions from government employment applications may be headed to the full City Commission in January. On December 16, 2014,  local TV station WTXL reported that “Mayor Andrew Gillum met with local leaders …about ways to improve the application process for government […]

Leadership Council on Gun Violence Identifies Suspects and Victims of Crime

Leadership Council on Gun Violence Identifies Suspects and Victims of Crime

The Leadership Council on Gun Violence provided the City Commission with detailed information about the victims and suspects of gun violence and the location of the incidents at the December 10th meeting. City of Tallahassee Police Chief Michael Deleo made the presentation. The Council was created over the summer to develop action steps to help […]