Brew Pub Vote Took Forty-One Seconds, Commissioners Briefed in Private. See Video.

Tallahassee Reports has learned that the vote to allocate an additional $1.3 million for a Brew Pub restaurant in Cascades Park took less than 45 seconds to approve. The Brew Pub project has been under media scrutiny since Tallahassee Reports published an article revealing the expenditure and the involvement of Commissioner Andrew Gillum’s campaign treasurer. […]

Mckibbon Hotel Group Consultant Communicated with Staff Without Registering as a City Lobbyist

Mckibbon Hotel Group Consultant Communicated with Staff Without Registering as a City Lobbyist

Tallahassee Reports has learned that the consultant retained by the Mckibbon Hotel Group (MHG) – who has business before the City Commission – had communications with City staff on MHG issues and was not a registered lobbyist with the City of Tallahassee. Tallahassee Reports requested a list of registered lobbyists on August 16, 2013. Click […]

City Responds to Tallahassee Reports Article On Cascades Project

City Responds to Tallahassee Reports Article On Cascades Project

There have been several developments regarding the Cascades Park restaurant project. First,  Commissioner Nancy Miller told Tallahassee Reports via an email late today that she did not know that Andrew Gillum’s treasurer was involved in the project. Second, Tallahassee Reports has learned that since a large portion of the project funds – approximately $800,000 – […]

BREAKING NEWS: City Responds to Tallahassee Reports Article On Cascades Project

BREAKING NEWS: City Responds to Tallahassee Reports Article On Cascades Project

There have been several developments regarding the Cascades Park restaurant project. First,  Commissioner Nancy Miller told Tallahassee Reports via an email late today that she did not know that Andrew Gillum’s treasurer was involved in the project. Second, Tallahassee Reports has learned that since a large portion of the project funds – approximately $800,000 – […]

City Employee Pension Costs are a Silent Budget Killer

City Employee Pension Costs are a Silent Budget Killer

The City Commission has avoided raising property taxes this year and instead has relied on an increase in the gas tax and one time transfers from reserve funds to reach a balanced budget. The recent workshops on the City’s budget have revealed that one of the major dynamics driving the $5 million general deficit this year […]



Just a couple of weeks ago the Leon Board of County Commissioners voted to approve a 5 cent increase in the gas tax. Based on previous agreements between the City and the County, 50% of the gas tax would have been appropriated to the City of Tallahassee. However, when presented with the gas tax proposal, […]

Sunil Harman, City Airport Director, Resigns

Sunil Harman, City Airport Director, Resigns

In a press release, posted just before the July 4th holiday, the City of Tallahassee formally acknowledged the resignation of Sunil Harman, the City’s Airport Director. Harman submitted his resignation on June 27, 2013 to take the Airport Director position in Okaloosa County. There was no reason given for his departure. Harman had been widely credited for […]

Is City Staff Gaming the City Commission?

Tallahassee Reports has obtained information that indicates that the document prepared and distributed to City Commissioners during the last budget workshop appears to be misleading in representing that City spending has been on a downward trend since 2008. In fact, the opposite appears to be the case. At the City of Tallahassee’s budget workshop on […]

City of Tallahassee Budget Debate Begins

City Manager Anita Favors Thompson presented her proposed budget for fiscal year 2014 to the City Commission on Wednesday. The preliminary $854 million budget included a General Fund deficit, but the final proposal addressed the deficit through a $2.3 million property tax increase, a $2 million increase in the electric utility transfer, and a $3 […]



Just last month, Raoul Lavin of the City’s budget office, provided the first glimpse of the 2014 budget. His presentation focused only on the General Fund, which finances core city services, and indicated an upcoming deficit of approximately $5 million. Yesterday, City Manager Anita Favors Thompson released her recommended 2014 (FY14) budget for review by […]