The City of Tallahassee’s fiscal year 2017 first quarter budget update reports the Police Department anticipates filling all positions for the first COPS grant before the end of FY17. TPD has 376 sworn positions filled and 18 vacant as of early February and anticipates hiring 6 pre-certified officers in April and 10 trainees in July. […]
The Killearn Homes Association (KHA) recently sent out the results of a survey related to the potential re-development of the “North Nine” holes of the Killearn golf course. The “North Nine” was recently closed by the owner of the golf course, Barton Tuck, who cited a lack of play and operation expenses as the reason […]
After several requests by Tallahassee Reports, City Commissioner Nancy Miller has refused to identify a City vendor that has ties to a family member. On December 12, 2012, the City Commission voted to approve the staff’s ranking and recommendation for Civil Engineering Consulting Services. The recommendation included eight vendors and authorized staff to execute three-year […]
The Tallahassee Democrat was quick to report on Mayor Andrew Gillum’s attendance at the U.S. Mayor’s Conference in Washington D.C., but has yet to report about Gillum’s participation in an anti-Trump meeting this past weekend funded by liberal groups set on challenging the Trump presidency. A number of news outlets reported about the meeting began […]
Residents in the 4,000 home Killearn Estates neighborhood recently received a questionnaire from the Killearn Homeowners Association (KHA) asking how they would like the Association to move forward with regards to the redevelopment of the land that was previously a nine hole golf course. The current owner is seeking a zoning change from the City […]
UPDATED City Commissioner Miller’s office sent Tallahassee Reports an email yesterday in response to the original story we published, which is listed below. The email included two ethics forms (Form 8B) for two votes Ms. Miller abstained from due to a conflict with a family member. While the forms provided the identification of the family […]
On December 14, 2016 the City Commission voted 3-2 to move forward with a 32 acre development off of Ridge Road despite concerns by residents and a recommendation for denial by the City’s Planning Commission. City Commissioners Nancy Miller, Scott Maddox and Gill Ziffer supported the development and Mayor Andrew Gillum and City Commissioner Curtis […]
On Wednesday, December 14th, the City Commission voted 5-0 to move forward with a moratorium on the establishment of medical marijuana dispensaries. The decision was based on a chain of events that began in 2014. In 2014, Governor Rick Scott signed the Charlotte’s Web bill into law, legalizing medical marijuana for use in Florida. The […]
Over a year ago we reported that Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch announced that more than $107 million in grant funding would be released through the Department of Justice’s Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS Office). The Attorney General announced funding awards to nearly 200 law enforcement agencies across the nation, aimed at creating, […]
The clear intent of the City of Tallahassee Charter is that City Commissioners should be residents when seeking office and when serving. What is not clear are the rules set forth to enforce this Charter requirement. However, evidence indicates the City of Tallahassee has been aware of the ambiguous enforcement rules for more than a […]