Elected Officials Support New Approach to Gas Tax, Pilot Study for Mileage Based Fees

Elected Officials Support New Approach to Gas Tax, Pilot Study for Mileage Based Fees

On January 17,2017, the Capital Region Transportation Planning Agency (CRTPA) held a meeting at City Hall and voted to adopt the statewide policy initiates of the Florida Metropolitan Planning Organization Advisory Council (MPOAC). MPOAC is a statewide transportation planning and policy organization created by the Florida Legislature pursuant to Section 339.175(11), Florida Statutes. The organization […]

Dr. Neal Dunn Announces House Committee Assignments

Dr. Neal Dunn Announces House Committee Assignments

Dr. Neal Dunn, R-Fla., the first term Florida District 2 congressional representative, was appointed to the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, the House Committee on Agriculture, and the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology for the 115th Congress. After a contentious primary in August, Dr. Dunn easily won the November general election. He replaced […]

City Moves Forward with Waterworks Sense of Place Project

City Moves Forward with Waterworks Sense of Place Project

At their last meeting of the year, the City Commission unanimously voted to move forward with a sense of place project involving the Waterworks building. The Waterworks building, which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places, is located at the intersection of East Gaines Street and South Gadsden Street and consists of the […]

Stewart’s Blog: Heads Up Killearn Estates, City Ignores Neighborhoods on Zoning Issues

Stewart’s Blog: Heads Up Killearn Estates, City Ignores Neighborhoods on Zoning Issues

Residents in the 4,000 home Killearn Estates neighborhood recently received a questionnaire from the Killearn Homeowners Association (KHA) asking how they would like the Association to move forward with regards to the redevelopment of the land that was previously a nine hole golf course. The current owner is seeking a zoning change from the City […]

UPDATED: Commissioner Nancy Miller Ignores Ethic Rules with Family Ties to City Vendors, Developers

UPDATED: Commissioner Nancy Miller Ignores Ethic Rules with Family Ties to City Vendors, Developers

UPDATED City Commissioner Miller’s office sent Tallahassee Reports an email yesterday in response to the original story we published, which is listed below. The email included two ethics forms (Form 8B) for two votes Ms. Miller abstained from due to a conflict with a family member. While the forms provided the identification of the family […]

Leaders Change CDA Terminating Procedures

Leaders Change CDA Terminating Procedures

On December 14th, 2016 the City Commission voted to support an amendment to the Interlocal Agreement between the City, County and the Sheriff regarding the process whereby the Consolidated Dispatch Agency’s (CDA) Director’s employment may be terminated. Previously, it took the support of all three CDA Board members to hire a Director and one to […]

City Ignores Planning Commission & Neighborhood Residents, Supports Ridge Road Development

City Ignores Planning Commission & Neighborhood Residents, Supports Ridge Road Development

On December 14, 2016 the City Commission voted  3-2  to move forward with a 32 acre development off of Ridge Road despite concerns by residents and a recommendation for denial by the City’s Planning Commission. City Commissioners Nancy Miller, Scott Maddox and Gill Ziffer supported the development and Mayor Andrew Gillum and City Commissioner Curtis […]

City Votes for Medical Marijuana Moratorium

City Votes for Medical Marijuana Moratorium

On Wednesday, December 14th, the City Commission voted 5-0 to move forward with a moratorium on the establishment of medical marijuana dispensaries. The decision was based on a chain of events that began in 2014. In 2014, Governor Rick Scott signed the Charlotte’s Web bill into law, legalizing medical marijuana for use in Florida. The […]

FSU President Thrasher Addresses Controversial Issues

FSU President Thrasher Addresses Controversial Issues

TALLAHASSEE — As Florida State University (FSU) President John Thrasher delivered his annual State of the University address Wednesday, Dec. 7, he spoke about the standard topics one would expect — national rankings, fundraising, faculty – but mixed into his comments were more controversial issues affecting university campuses across the country. Following comments about the […]

Jimbo Jackson: Principal, Commissioner

Jimbo Jackson: Principal, Commissioner

TALLAHASSEE — Jimbo Jackson watches the little five-year-old kindergartners scamper through the doors of Ft. Braden School each day and ponders how he can make this a better place for them, not just as the school principal, but also as the newly elected District 2 county commissioner. “While that’s a huge responsibility, it’s an awesome, […]