Below are the news briefs from the Tallahassee City Commission meeting that took place on September 13, 2023. The city commission unanimously approved the evaluation committee’s ranking and authorized the City Treasurer-Clerk to negotiate and execute a contract with Gabriel, Roeder, Smith and Company related to actuarial consulting services. The award is an initial five-year […]
Below are the news briefs from the Leon County Commission meeting that took place on September 12, 2023. The Commission approved all items on the consent agenda including the approval to award the bid for the renovations to the Concord School Building to Arris General Contractors Inc., the lowest responsive bidder in the amount of […]
On September 12th, the Leon County Commission voted 6-1 to adopt a resolution endorsing the declaration of a climate emergency in Leon County. The issue was presented to the Board by the youth advocacy group GenCLEO. The resolution cites the Paris Agreement, United Nations studies and states that the U.S. has “disproportionately” contributed to the […]
AT the September 13th meeting, the Tallahassee City Commission will consider authorizing the City Manager to negotiate and execute a License Agreement between StarMetro and Greyhound Lines, Inc. (GLI) for co-location and use of public amenities at C.K. Steele Plaza. Previously, GLI approached the City of Tallahassee with a proposal to co-locate at C.K. Steele […]
On September 13, the Tallahassee City Commission will conduct the first of two public hearings to consider the approval of the Fiscal Year 2024 (FY24) budget and and an increase in the millage rate. The FY24 operating budget totals $868.4 million, and the FY24 Capital Improvement Plan totals $253 million. This budget is said to […]
Below are the news briefs that took place during the Leon County Schools Business Meeting on September 7th, 2023. The Board voted unanimously to approve the millage rate for Fiscal Year July 1st 2023, through June 30th 2024. The total proposed millage rate is 5.464, which includes 3.216 for Local Required Effort, 0.748 for Discretionary […]
Below are the news briefs that took place during the Leon County Schools Agenda/Workshop meeting on September 6th, 2023. LCS staff gave the Board a presentation on budget updates and explained the millage rate would be set at 5.464 which is .004 less than the previous year, although a true rollback millage rate would have […]
On September 13th, the Tallahassee City Commission will consider adopting parameters related to initiating a Tallahassee charter review. At its August 21, 2023, meeting, the city commission voted to initiate a charter review process including a charter review committee (CRC) to be appointed with the purpose of bringing recommendations to the City Commission This item […]
On September 12th, the Leon County Commission will consider awarding the bid for renovations to the Concord School Building to Arris General Contractors Inc., the lowest responsible and responsive bidder, in the amount of $4,250,000. This project is being supported by the Florida Department of Commerce, a CDBG-CV (Community Development Block Grant CARES Act) program grant […]
At the September 12th Leon County Commission meeting, elected officials will vote to approve ten bid awards totaling approximately $9.5 million. Descriptions related to the bid items are provided below. This item seeks Board approval of the Interlocal Agreement with Sarasota County for the licensing, hosting, and support of the GOVMAX budget development software. The […]