Household Income Increase Readies Economy for Stronger Growth

Household Income Increase Readies Economy for Stronger Growth

According to Josh Mitchell of the WSJ, statistics compiled by the Bureau of Economic Analysis estimated personal income increased 10% during January, the second largest month-to-month increase on record. Also, consumer spending increased by 2.4%, leading the economy off to a great start for the year. Consumer spending coupled with additional recovery actions are expected to […]

Biden Prepares for “Build Back Better” Plan After Covid-19 Bill

Biden Prepares for “Build Back Better” Plan After Covid-19 Bill

As President Biden and his administration is working to have his $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief bill, known as the American Rescue Plan, passed through Congress, another recovery package is currently in development by the administration. While the package may become unpopular among Congress-members concerned about high-cost spending, Biden (who served 36 years in the Senate) […]

White House Announces Immigration Bill

White House Announces Immigration Bill

On Thursday, February 18th, the White House announced its immigration bill. According to Priscilla Alvarez and Lauren Fox of CNN, the bill’s main goals are an eight-year path to citizenship for immigrants already in the U.S., and to speed-up citizenship for undocumented immigrants arriving in America as minors. The bill has been introduced in both […]

Some Democrats Fear “Free Stuff” Will Hurt Party

Some Democrats Fear “Free Stuff” Will Hurt Party

A two-day conference held in Charleston, South Carolina, last week, by the moderate Democratic group Third Way was focused on trying to determine the best path to victory in 2020. The group is concerned that the left-wing of the Democratic party is overshadowing the more moderate and larger segment of the party. Axios reported that […]