As the FBI decides whether to launch a formal investigation of corruption within the City of Tallahassee, Tallahassee Reports is releasing supporting documents related to the story, which broke this morning on
On September 15, 2010, Commissioners Ziffer, Lightsey, and Gillum joined forces with Mayor John Marks to approve the city’s participation in a $1.6 million federal grant with partners that included the Alliance for Digital Equality (ADE) and The Go Beyond Foundation.
After talking to sources, it has been determined that several documents have been turned over to the FBI because of concern about the relationship between Mayor John Marks and the vendors included in the grant application.
The discussion over the $8 million electric utility surplus over the last few months has seen city commissioners and staff defending the need to deposit the “found” money in the electric reserve which already had approximately $95 million. Rationale for keeping the money has ranged from “its policy” to “its only $34 per residential customer”. […]
The investigation and research into the April 13, 2005 vote by the City Commission, which resulted in an approximate increase of $22,000 in City Commissioner compensation, continues to reveal new details and raise troubling questions. Tallahassee Reports has learned that the elected City Commissioners are the only city employees who receive employer paid deferred compensation. The benefit afforded […]
A data request submitted by Tallahassee Reports, and quick turn-around from city officials, have led to detailed information on how the City Commissioners obtained an employer paid deferred compensation benefit on the order of $20,000 a year. This is what we know: The benefit was passed on April 13, 2005 by a 4-1 one vote. Those […]
A tip from a frequent reader of this site, followed by a public data request, has revealed interesting information about the benefits that Tallahassee City Commissioners receive for their public service. The salary of City Commissioners has been discussed in public for many years. Since the installation of the full-time Mayor position, the salary of the […]
On Tuesday, April 7, 2009, the Tallahassee City Commission heard a presentation from the head of EPER (the Green Department) entitled “Carbon Footprint Reduction Plan.” You can view the slide presentation here. Among the facts revealed are: The City of Tallahassee has a Carbon Reduction Task Team that investigates the feasibility of implementing policies that reduce carbon […]
On Tuesday, April 7, 2009, the Tallahassee City Commission heard a presentation from the head of EPER (the Green Department) entitled “Carbon Footprint Reduction Plan.” You can view the slide presentation here. Among the facts revealed are: The City of Tallahassee has a Carbon Reduction Task Team that investigates the feasibility of implementing policies that reduce carbon […]