Commissioner Matlow Pushes Abortion Politics at City Hall….Once Again

Commissioner Matlow Pushes Abortion Politics at City Hall….Once Again

City Commissioner Jeremy Matlow and his progressive colleagues are once again using the divisive issue of abortion in an attempt to win control of the city commission, even though the city has no jurisdiction over abortion.

Matlow, who created a political action committee – One Tallahassee – to help fund local progressive candidates, is supporting Dot Inman-Johnson over current City Commissioner Curtis Richardson. If Richardson loses, a progressive majority will assume control of the city commission.

How does abortion play into the election?

Back in October, 2021, a resolution came before the Tallahassee City Commission supporting a woman’s right to choose. The resolution passed 3-2 with City Commissioners Williams-Cox and Curtis Richardson voting against the resolution.

Williams-Cox and Richardson voted against the resolution, not because they are against abortion -they are both pro-choice, but because they did not view abortion as a local issue.

At the time of the vote, Commissioner Williams-Cox stressed her dislike of how “conflated the issue had become.” She said she could not support the resolution, though she believes in a woman’s choice to make the decision regarding her own body. “We are out of our lane here,” she said, “we should not be dealing with this issue. This is an issue for the legislature.”

During her campaign for re-election in the 2022 cycle, Williams-Cox was attacked for her decision, not by her opponent, but by her colleague Commissioner Jack Porter, on behalf of her opponent, Adner Marcelin.

Porter sent out campaign text messages that indicated that the no vote on the resolution was a factor in Porter deciding to target Williams-Cox.

The text message sent to voters, which begins with Hey This is Jack Porter, states in part: “it was when I watched her vote against a resolution protecting a woman’s right to choose…that I finally decided to be part of the solution…..Adner has my full support.”

Williams-Cox went on to win the election.

Now the progressives are using the same tactics against Richardson.

One Tallahassee published a campaign video on social media which implies that Richardson’s decision not to entangle city commission business with abortion politics voids his lifelong support of pro-choice policies.

The video featuring a young African American female accuses Richardson of turning his backing on a woman’s right to choose.

The actions by Matlow and the progressives are consistent with other misleading tactics employed to confuse voters.

For example, currently, progressives are supporting the rollback of tax increase in an attempt to appeal to conservative voters but have offered no detailed plan on what expenses would be cut.

19 Responses to "Commissioner Matlow Pushes Abortion Politics at City Hall….Once Again"

  1. Abortion should never be a political/government issue. It’s invasive and what you do with your body should be up to you to decide…. no one else.

  2. For those who haven’t figured this out yet…

    Democrats and their media and social media PACs lie, cheat, steal, and rig even their own elections. Oh, and for some sick and twisted reason, lust after children and love to kill innocent babies up to the moment of birth and beyond. It’s what they do; It’s who they are.

    We use to talk about “preventing” unwanted pregnancy… now, it’s all about killing babies as means of birth control, under the guise of women’s “healthcare”…

    These are evil times my friends… and these are evil people.

  3. Jeremy Matlow – your same logic does not apply for preborn little girls who have no say whether someone destroys their body and who have all right to healthcare stripped from them. It’s ironic that you should use your platform as a city commissioner (with no jurisdiction over abortion) to impose your will on others. You’ve stood up for what’s right before (I appreciate what you did for the residents of The Meadows), but to call this “standing for what’s right” is immoral and shameful.

  4. Why can’t Jeremy Matlow say what he means? He wants women to be able to kill the baby inside them whenever and however they want. That’s a very long way from “access to fundamental healthcare”.

    I bet he apologizes to Peter when he’s standing outside those pearly gates and is confused as to why he ain’t gettin’ in…

  5. Oh, Jeremy … Are you advising Darryl Parks, too? LOL … He’s out there telling folks on nearly every commercial break that FL Sen. Corey Simon helped pass the 6-week abortion law. He voted “No” because district surverying told him the 15-week ban was where most of his constituents believed it should be. Parks is a liar. The Senate record proves it. Now here you go (again) with the same dishonesty. Curtis Richardson is pro-choice, always has been. I disagree with the man, but he owns it. He simply believed, correctly, the City had no reason to wade into the issue because it cannot contravene state law. Not even if you, and your sycophants, take charge. But, you go ahead … lose your soul to gain the Tallahassee. Whatever, dude. BTW: How’s the pizza shop? Did you clear up those health violations which caused it to be shuttered for a while?

  6. To all you people with The Audacity to Bash Matlow for his Political Views:
    I love you Audacious people and I”m Proud of you.
    You are My People…we need more like you in Leon County…carry on!!!

  7. @Jeremy — quit using “deserve” when “need”, “have a right to”, etc. are more appropriate. “Deserve” is an earned benefit.

    And women DO have the right to fundamental healthcare and decisions about their own bodies, including the right to decide to engage in the behavior that created the baby that they’re carrying. Changing one’s mind later is not justification for murder. If you want to argue that it is, I propose that we extend the definition of “abortion” to include the execution of politicians that support this murder. After all, it’s only the electorate “changing their mind”.

  8. Jeremy, why don’t you then support a women’s right to safe spaces, free of biological male intrusion?

    Why? Because you are a hypocrite pandering for votes, that’s why.

  9. This is just another attempt to muddy the water with emotion rather than logic. Logic dictates that Tallahasse’s little city council can’t control the State Legislatures or the actual vote for how abortion in this state is funded but NOOOO! Gotta start blaming everyone not in the progressive camp of taking everyones rights away and being anti woman. Meanwhile, when girls in middle school or high school or women at a gym don’t want to share their bathroom spaces that same group is all about shutting down their conversation and saying ‘accept it and move on’.
    Something is just absolutely rotten in Tallahassee and I believe it’s the politics.

  10. To all you pro-choicers, What about the unborn child? Shouldn’t they have a choice? And before you argue that it’s not a “living human being” you can detect a heartbeat at 5.5 – 6 weeks after conception. However, once the egg is fertilized by the sperm that is in actuality a living being. If not, why then when someone murders a pregnant woman can they be charged with TWO counts of murder. And to close, I’d like to say, I sure am glad your mama was pro-life and I bet you are too.

  11. Post birth abortion is real and apparently legal. Just look at how Kamala murdered a 78 year old baby on live television a week ago.

    @Steve –

    “The text message sent to voters, which begins with Hey This is Jack Porter, states in part: “it was when I watched her vote against a resolution protecting a woman’s right to choose…that I finally decided to be part of the solution…..Adner has my full support” ”

    I don’t really care about political text messages, but when someone puts, ‘in part’ and then includes a ton of ellipses, it doesn’t really give me a lot of reason to think they’re going their best to give me all of the information.

    See, I’ll show you. On this post, Steve Stewart wrote, in part: ‘abortion …. has my full support’

    You aren’t under space constraints, yet you failed to include the entirity of a *text message*.

  12. Well Maria, a womans right to choose starts with birth control, it has been around for over 60 years. I believe you can get it at no cost these days, works too.

  13. Women deserve to have access to fundamental healthcare and make decisions about their own bodies.

    It’s divisive for politicians to try to impose their will on others.

    I won’t apologize for standing up for what is right.

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