Cure Violence Programs Shutdown In Chicago

Cure Violence Programs Shutdown In Chicago

Associated Press is reporting that a number of Cure Violence supported programs in Chicago have been shutdown.

Cure Violence was in Tallahassee last week holding meetings to promote an community based approach that reduces gun violence. The program costs approximately $350,000 a year, with $75,000 going to Cure Violence.

The problems detailed in the AP report highlight both financial and operational issues with the CeaseFire program which is overseen by Cure Violence.

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel opted not to renew a one-year, $1 million contract for CeaseFire programs in two neighborhoods. The decision followed criticism by Chicago police that CeaseFire staff weren’t sharing information or working closely enough with them. Some program members also were getting into trouble of their own.

AP reported that more than 12 programs have shut down in Chicago and in other Illinois communities.

In addition, a proposal has been made by the Governor of Illinois to cut $3 million in state funding from the programs to help balance the state budget.

Advocates argue the programs work and need to be funded.

“Our kids in our communities are still dying,” said Autry Phillips, executive director of Target Area Development, a nonprofit agency on Chicago’s South Side that had to end its CeaseFire program. “We’re going to do what we can do, but we need funding. That’s the bottom line.”

6 Responses to "Cure Violence Programs Shutdown In Chicago"

  1. There seems to be little doubt that the leftist Progs have found clever and inventive ways to redistribute tax dollars. Acorn and Planned Parenthood are proven examples. I’ll reserve judgment on “Cure Violence” until more facts about the group come to light. I did find it rather odd that a Chicago group to end violence was getting a sizable chunk of Tallahassee change when Chicago is such a disaster.

  2. And we elected this menagerie of thieves and self profiteers! Chief DeLeo knows enough to concentrate his forces where most of the crime is if they will let him do so without crying “profiling”. Beat officers need to get to know and gain the trust of the people they serve. Especially the kids. Hand out cards to the adults.

  3. If there is not a direct kickback to the Mayor’s office, I am a monkey’s uncle. Now the truth is coming out why they wanted raise property taxes.

  4. Which lobbyist represents the group? What ties to current elected officials?

    I would be surprised if there were no connections…

    Anyway, the track record in Chicago should give city officials plenty to question, and pass on the program until they have a chance to clean up their act.

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