The table below lists recent single family home sales in Killearn Estates. The sales information is from the months of September and October.
The chart list 26 transactions with sale prices ranging from a low of $116,000 to a high of $404,000. The average sales price for these transactions was calculated to be $258,208.
The average single family home sales price in Leon county over last three months was approximately $220,000.
This means that homes in Killearn Estates sold for approximately 17% more than the average home that sold in Leon county over the last three months.
Reviewing another popular measure of home value, the dollar per square foot ($Sq/Ft), shows a wide range starting with a low of 65 $/SqFt to a high of 160 $/SqFt. The average $/SqFt was calculated to be 116 $/Sqft.
Click on table to enlarge.

Though this article states the average sales price of Killearn Estates homes is 17% higher than the Leon County average, the County average includes areas that traditionally sell for less than houses located in Killearn Estates. I would love to compare apples to apples and compare the increase in the average sales prices of Killearn Estates homes to others in the Northeast part of Tallahassee. I suspect in a comparison like this, the increase in the average sale price of Killearn Estates homes would be more modest. This could be attributed to the age of the homes and to the fact that some of the purchased homes were foreclosures, but I’m willing to bet the golf course “debate” IS having a negative effect. Rather than speculate on the effect a refurbished 18-hole course and new clubhouse, which may or may not happen, will have on Killearn Estates home prices, perhaps we should focus on the effects increased housing density in the form of apartments, more traffic, and the environmental impact of a nursing home, built smack dab in the middle of the neighborhood, may have. Watch what happens to prices then.
Why speculate on the negative effects of increased density and the “phantom” nursing home you and your group have created? All you have done is try to scare people with rumors. In fact some of the things your group say are just not true. A thriving 18 hole country club around the corner from your house increases your home value more than living on a 27 hole course that is dying. There is not enough golfers to support 27 holes. Frankly your condescending attitude you have in every response you have ever written is very offensive. You act as if “your” property is the keystone of the whole neighborhood.
Per this article, home values don’t seem to be affected by the golf course debate. Wonder if there was a new clubhouse and 18 holes of premium golf around the corner would selling prices be even higher?