Tallahassee Reports has received the data housed by the NGP VAN software purchased by Mayor Andrew Gillum using city tax dollars. Gillum has recently reimbursed the City of Tallahassee.
It will take some time to go through the 30,000 email addresses and 60 emails that were sent using the data, but early findings reveal various contacts with the George Soros family and related organizations.
For example, there are email addresses for two George Soros family members – Jonathan (son) and Jeff (nephew).
There are also email addresses for individuals tied to the Open Society Foundation, the Tides Foundation, and the Soros Fund Management, LLC. All of these groups are supported financially by George Soros.
There was one set of 296 emails which were labeled “ADG National Friends”. These email addresses and associated names are listed below, and not surprisingly, included left-wing organizations.
TR will continue to review the information.
Bill Vandenberg | bvandenberg@sorosny.org |
Bob Bowditch | robert.bowditch@verizon.net |
Carol Bradford | cbradford@calfund.org |
Chris Findleter | chrisfindlater@msn.com |
Christy Pennoyer | cpennoyer@wcbullittfound.org |
Courtney Cuff | courtneyc@gillfoundation.org |
Dennis Van Roekel | dvanroekel@nea.org |
Efrain Escobedo | EEscobedo@calfund.org |
Ethan Frey | e.frey@fordfoundation.org |
Frances Labaree | lang.f@rcn.com |
Heidi Stamas | hstamas@aol.com |
Howard Monath | hhmonath@yahoo.com |
Iara Peng | iarapeng@gmail.com |
Jackie Mann | info@eliasfoundation.org |
Jamie Wolf | jrw@artnet.net |
Jenny Frutchy | jfrutchy@comcast.net |
Joanne Greenstein | jgreenstein@rockpa.org |
Jonelle Procope | jonelle.procope@apollotheater.org |
Judith Avery | judy415@earthlink.net |
Laura Speer | lspeer@aecf.org |
Lisa Blue Baron | lblue@baronandblue.com |
Mary Kay Henry | marykay.henry@seiu.org |
Nancy Solana | nancy.solana@fikesfoundation.org |
Patricia Bauman | bauman@baumanfoundation.org |
Robert Labaree | rlabaree@rcn.com |
Ron Ansin | rmahrvd@aol.com |
Ron Feldman | ron@Feldmangallery.com |
Sean Eldridge | sean@hudsonriverventures.com |
Susan Morrison | Susan_Morrison@newyorker.com |
Susie Essman | esswoman@gmail.com |
Vivien Labaton | vivienlab@gmail.com |
Sidney Felsen | sidney@geminigel.com |
Christopher Guest | mrwaverly1@gmail.com |
Dean Hansell | dean.hansell@hoganlovells.com |
Cydney Mandel | cydney@cydneymandel.com |
Harvin Rogas | harvin@5bevents.com |
Corky Stoller | corkyhale@aol.com |
Jeffrey Soros | jps1@mindspring.com |
Cecilia Peck | cecilia@bravemissworld.com |
Tom McGrath | tom@x-roadsmedia.com |
Barbara Fleischman | barbarafleischman@gmail.com |
Barry Phillips | bphillips26@nyc.rr.com |
Bertis Downs | bed@chronictown.com |
Colin Greer | cgreer@newwf.org |
David Mendelsohn | davidcalhounmendelsohn@gmail.com |
David Saperstein | dsaperstein@rac.org |
Dennis Loo | djloo1@pacbell.net |
Drummond Pike | drummondpike@gmail.com |
Eric Kessler | eric@arabellaadvisors.com |
Frank Garrison | fgarrison@islecap.com |
Gara LaMarche | glamarche@democracyalliance.org |
Greg Frezados | gregoryfrezados@gmail.com |
Jeff Malachowsky | jmal@wellspringadvisors.com |
Jerry Luedders | jerry.luedders@csun.edu |
Laura Williamson | lwilliamson@pfaw.org |
Lee Fikes | obscure@bonanzaoil.com |
Maggie Lear | mlear@justchange.org |
Nikki Lafferty | nikki@nikkilafferty.com |
Quinn Delaney | quinn@akonadi.org |
Rashid Shabazz | rshabazz@sorosny.org |
Ris? Wilson | rwilson@rauschenbergfoundation.org |
Sarah Kirschenbaum | skirschenbaum@annenbergfoundation.org |
Scott Nielsen | snielsen@rcn.com |
Ted Trimpa | ted@trimpagroup.com |
Ted Tetzlaff | tedtetzlaff@gmail.com |
Tim Gill | tim@timgill.com |
Tracey Edmonds | tracey@edmondsent.com |
Elizabeth Angelini | bbangelini@gmail.com |
John Kander | jk2co@aol.com |
Debra Martin Chase | eric@martinchaseproductions.com |
Doris Roberts | swimmaproductions@sbcglobal.net |
Jennifer Steele | jennifersteele1@me.com |
Allison Barlow | abarlow@wgf.org |
Barbara Jacobs | barbarajacobsconsulting@gmail.com |
Barbara Bluhm-Kaul | barbbluhmkaul@gmail.com |
Deborah Rappaport | debrap@skylineblvd.com |
Francene Sussner Rodgers | fran.rodgers@wfd.com |
Francis Greenburger | fgreenburger@timeequities.com |
Fred Blackwell | fblackwell@sff.org |
Geri Mannion | GPM@carnegie.org |
Greg Salazar | Greg@rappaportfamilyfoundation.org |
Hamilton Fish | HFish@washingtonspectator.org |
Henry Der | hder@publicinterestprojects.org |
Henry Seltzer | henryseltzer@gmail.com |
Ilona Carroll | icarroll@wellspringadvisors.com |
Janet Shenk | janet@pantarhea.org |
Jerry Zurn | jerryzurn@me.com |
Jesse Brown | jbrown@streisandfoundation.org |
Jim Autry | Jautrydsm@aol.com |
Jonathan Lapook | jon@lapook.com |
Josh Dubin | JDubin@dubinconsulting.com |
Josh Dubin | jdubin@dubinconsulting.com |
Laura Whyte | lwchapelhill@aol.com |
Maggie McCarthy | mmccarthy@rapoportfdn.org |
Mario Lugay | mlugay@mkf.org |
Paul Yandura | paul@scottyandura.com |
Ralph Fine | rfine2000@aol.com |
Rebecca Goldman | rebecca@mafdn.org |
Sarah Knight | sarah.knight@opensocietyfoundations.org |
Seth MacFarlane | jaydi.samuels@tvbyfox.com |
Stacey Rubin | stacey@staceyrubin.com |
Lyn Lear | lyn@westridge5.com |
Gary Mandel | kaniak2010@gmail.com |
Joni Weyl | joni@joniweyl.com |
Carol Biondi | carol@thebiondis.net |
Daniel Voll | danielvoll@me.com |
Ben Lear | benjaminlear@gmail.com |
Alicia Jay | aliciajay07@gmail.com |
Bill Persky | bpersky9@gmail.com |
Cate Parker | cpark@aquaca.com |
Chiqui Cartegena | ccartagena@univision.net |
Chris Hughs | chris.r.hughes@gmail.com |
Christy MacLear | cmaclear@rauschenbergfoundation.org |
Cookie Parker | cookie@cookieparker.com |
David Altschul | daltschul@altolinlaw.com |
Eric Liu | eric@guidinglightsnetwork.com |
Frank Smith | fes33@me.com |
Gordon Edelstein | gordon.edelstein@longwharf.org |
Holly Bartling | holly@generalservice.org |
Howie Klein | HowieKlein@aol.com |
James Higgins | JHiggins@new-vernon.com |
Jennifer Raymond | jenny@thehf.org |
Jill Larson | larson.jill@gmail.com |
Jim Lovelace | jmbl@capgroup.com |
John Stocks | jstocks@nea.org |
John Loredo | jnloredo@gmail.com |
Jon Stryker | jonstryker@mac.com |
Karen Grove | karen@grovefoundation.org |
Karen Nussbaum | Knussbaum@aflcio.org |
Keesha Gaskins | kgaskins@rbf.org |
Kevin Jennings | kjennings@arcusfoundation.org |
Larry Ottinger | Larry@clpi.org |
Lawreance & Suzanne Hess | lorenzoh@cox.net |
Linda Wood | LindaW@haasjr.org |
Mark E Pollack | mep@markepollack.com |
Martine Rubenstein | martinerubenstein@gmail.com |
Michael Caudell-Feagan | mcaudell-feagan@pewtrusts.org |
Michael Fleming | mfpfleming@yahoo.com |
Michael Pressman | mpressman@mac.com |
Nate Westheimer | nate.westheimer@gmail.com |
Nina Vinik | nvinik@joycefdn.org |
Norman Lear | nlear@actiii.com |
Phillippe Villers | pvillers@igc.org |
Ranae Desantis | ranae@rdrmail.com |
Rica Orszag | rica@wfdn.org |
Rob McKay | rmckay@mckayfund.org |
Steve Silberstein | stevesilberstein@hotmail.com |
Stuart Shapiro | stuart@iconstituent.com |
Frank Biondi | fbiondi@waterviewllc.com |
Matthew Weiner | mweinerasst@gmail.com |
Will Halm | will@willesq.com |
Dorothy Terrell | dterrell@firstcapadvisors.com |
Alexa Aviles | aviles@scherman.org |
Anna Lefer Kuhn | aleferkuhn@arcafoundation.org |
Art Lipson | art@wifunds.com |
Arthur Bellinzoni | ajb@wells.edu |
Bill Benenson | benpro@earthlink.net |
Carole Shields | shieldspf@aol.com |
Cawanua Keeling | cawanua@aol.com |
Dan Jacobson | djacobson@dfoc.com |
David Mendelsohn | calhounmendelsohn@me.com |
Doug Edwards | dedwards@gmail.com |
Elliot Stein | room703@aol.com |
Howard Monath | hhmonath@yahoo.com |
James Williams | jwilliams@trimpagroup.com |
Jason McGill | jmcgill@arcusfoundation.org |
Jeffrey Hollender | jeffrey.hollender@gmail.com |
Jennifer Sokolove | jsokolove@comptonfoundation.org |
Jim Bernfield | jambonus@aol.com |
Joan Harris | nhughes@irvingharrisfdn.org |
John Catrambone | Catrambone@gmail.com |
Jonathan Lewis | Jonathan@jlewis.com |
Josh Sapan | joshsapan@gmail.com |
Josh Grossman | Joshua@ProgressiveKick.org |
Karundi Williams | karundi.williams@seiu.org |
Kevin Delaney | delamal2@gmail.com |
Laurie Dolphin | laurie@lauriedolphin.com |
Lois Stainman | LStainman@aol.com |
Maria Jobin-Leeds | mjl@democracyandeducation.us |
Nancy Harkness | nharkness@earthlink.net |
Patrick Guerriero | pguerriero@civitaspublicaffairs.com |
Paul Moore | paul@bohnett.com |
Peter Colavito | peter.colavito@seiu.org |
Ray Mulliner | ray@equidex-inc.com |
Rich Meyer | rich4meyer@gmail.com |
Richard Spees | rick.spees@akerman.com |
Susan Sandler | sesandler@gmail.com |
Talya Stagg | talya@mafdn.org |
Tom Hilbink | thilbink@sorosny.org |
Tracy Mack Parker | tracy@tpw.org |
Weston Milliken | wmilliken@gmail.com |
Dwora Fried | dwora@mac.com |
Tye Hanna | tye.hanna@comcast.net |
Andrew Tobias | atobias123@gmail.com |
Catalina Ruiz-Healy | Catalina@rappaportfamilyfoundation.org |
Charles Rodgers | crodgers@newcomfund.org |
Dallas Dishman | ddishman@geffenco.com |
Daniel Katz | dkatz@justchange.org |
David Rose | david@rose.vc |
Erika Glazer | erika@erikaglazer.com |
Evangeline Morphos | emmorphos@aol.com |
Faith Parker | fkparker@comcast.net |
Jeff Clements | jclements@clementsllc.com |
Jocelyn McCormick | engeline21@gmail.com |
John Jackson | jj@schottfoundation.org |
Jonathan Sorors | jsoros@jsoros.com |
Julie Kohler | jkohler@democracyalliance.org |
Kriss Deiglmeier | krissd@tides.org |
Marc Levin | mlevin601@gmail.com |
Matt Foreman | matt@haasjr.org |
Pam Grissom | pam@plgfree.com |
Paul Song | paulysong@yahoo.com |
Rakesh Rajani | r.rajani@fordfoundation.org |
Rebecca Fox | refox@wellspringadvisors.com |
Risa Gross | risa.gross@fikesfoundation.org |
Sophia Yen | syen@alum.mit.edu |
Steve Phillips | steve@powerpac.org |
Suzanne Gollin | Suzanne@angelicafoundation.org |
Tim McDonald | revtmac@aol.com |
Barbara Wilson | musikcpa@sbcglobal.net |
Nancy Harkness | nharkness@earthlink.net |
Sheran James | lagunanyc@gmail.com |
June Baldwin | jmbaldwin@verizon.net |
Loree Goffigon | lgoffigon@perworks.com |
Adrienne Shropshire | ashropshire@publicinterestprojects.org |
Adrienne Kimmell | akimmell@BarbaraLee.com |
Anna Levine Fink | annalevinefink@gmail.com |
Austin Thompson | athompson@democracyalliance.org |
Barbara Wilson | avacado46@gmail.com |
Ben Wessel | bwessel@nextgenclimate.org |
Cathy Cha | cathy@haasjr.org |
Debra Burchett-Lere | debra@samfrancisfoundation.org |
Derek Melvin | derek.r.melvin@morganstanley.com |
Desiree Flores | dflores@arcusfoundation.org |
Heidi Stamas | heidistamas@gmail.com |
Henry Van Ameringen | henry@hvafdn.org |
Jay Rodriguez | jrodmail@yahoo.com |
Jeff Madoff | jeff@madoffproductions.com |
Jill Larson | larson.jill@gmail.com |
Karen Kahn | karen.kahn@gmail.com |
Katherine Villers | villers@communitycatalyst.org |
Kathleen Turner | kacturn2000@me.com |
Kay Unger | kayungerpitman@gmail.com |
Kim Rogers | krogers@ufcw.org |
Laurie Benenson | lauriebenenson@gmail.com |
Linda Leibovitch | lindal@rodeore.com |
Marilyn Clements | mermerclem@me.com |
Reg Weaver | ReginaldWeaver@aol.com |
Ruth Usem | ruth@usems.com |
Sri Chilimuri | chilimuri@hotmail.com |
Peter Benedek | KouneliasJT@unitedtalent.com |
Ellen Hoberman | ellen.hoberman0@gmail.com |
Jackie Miller | jackiemillerpfc@gmail.com |
Suzanne Felsen | Suzanne@suzannefelsen.com |
Joyce Rey | JoyceRey@JoyceRey.com |
David Codell | david@codell.com |
Bill Deutsch | bill@linearmedia.com |
Brad Andersen | bradford.anderson@trinityschoolnyc.org |
Charles Keeling | CalsYoKeig@aol.com |
Colleen Keegan | colleenm.keegan@gmail.com |
Dolores Huerta | dhorganize@gmail.com |
Ellen Meyers | ellen@ellenmeyers.com |
Frances Milberg | fmilberg@gmail.com |
Ginny Simmons | gsimmons@joycefdn.org |
Glenn Parker | glenn.parker@comcast.net |
Greg Pasternack | greg.pasternack@gmail.com |
Jan Krukowski | janinokru@icloud.com |
Jeff Richter | earthquakeproductions@gmail.com |
Jennifer Langton | jennlangton@gmail.com |
Jessica Aronoff | jaronoff@roll.com |
Jim Hormel | jchormel@me.com |
Jose Santos | jose@grovefoundation.org |
Judi Ketcik | judi@ckd-la.com |
Kate Lear | kate@lapook.com |
Kay Unger Pitman | kayungerpitman@gmail.com |
Lara Bergthold | larab@earthlink.net |
Loree Goffigan | lgoffigon@perworks.com |
Marcy Carsey | marcar7@verizon.net |
Marge Tabankin | mtabankin@aol.com |
Michael Kieschnick | MKieschnick@credomobile.com |
Nancy Stephens | nancesr@aol.com |
Nicole Carlsburg | ncarlsburg@blff.org |
Robby Rodriguez | r.rodriguez@atlanticphilanthropies.org |
Roz Lee | roz@arcusfoundation.org |
Scott Budnick | scottarcla@gmail.com |
Susie Topmkins Buell | susiebuell@aol.com |
Tahir Duckett | tduckett@aflcio.org |
Maria Elena Infantino | m_elenainfantino@hotmail.co.uk |
Donald Passman | dsp@gtrb.com |
Karl Pettijohn | kap1186@hotmail.com |
Clarence Avant | interior00@aol.com |
Judi Ketcik | judi@ckd-la.com |
Jehan Agrama | jehana@mac.com |
Cate Park | catepark@gmail.com |
Soros boogyman alert, watch out for rabid right wingers slobbering all over themselves at the thought of having another hour of hate directed at him and his family!
Mr. Curious has pointed out a persistent problem here in Tallahassee’s government: if we want competent, ethical and positive people elected for mayor and other critical positions, then we have to vote for such candidates when they run, or request those that definitely qualify to run. And we have to work hard to get those candidates elected. Only when Tallahassee demands better will Tallahassee get the leadership government required to become the great city it could certainly be.
My wife and I recently visited Raleigh NC to visit our daughter who is moving there. Raleigh reminded us a lot of Tallahassee, beautiful with lush trees, greenery, and rolling hills. Unlike Tallahassee however, Raleigh is a rapidly growing job market with many high-tech companies and high-paying technology jobs, mostly all “clean” energy job sectors. I remarked several times to my wife that Tallahassee could someday be a smaller version of Raleigh, but it never will become so with Tallahassee’s corrupt, insular city government. Someday I hope that persistent handicap for Tallahassee no longer exists.
This seems to be the steady norm for our Mayor’s seat. But let’s be honest, the people of Tallahassee is who is ultimately responsible for this foul odor.
Personally didn’t vote for AG or Marks, but until we get our act together as a community and stop drinking the proverbial kool-aid, we will continue to get these types of people in office.
Stop the madness folks. Do your research on your candidate and get someone in there that can be responsible and care about what is happening with our community and not about their own political careers.
I see Norman Lear’s name and email on the list – assuming it’s the sitcom creator.
Here’s what he thinks of our POTUS:
“Trump is the middle finger of the American right hand.”
Meanwhile, Gillum couldn’t even get his application for Guv filled out correctly, according to a story in the local “newsletter.”
Seriously Andy, you want to run the third largest state in the US, but you can’t even fill out the “job application” correctly?
Thought Gillum was to be an improvement over Marks. Guess local politics will be this miss mash of wanabes’pushing personal interests over caring for the citizens of this community until we find a real honest electable person to run for mayor. The Soros connection is truly scarey !!
Oh ok so the whole issue is not the lists or the people on the lists but that he bought it with City money. Gotcha.
I am not in this fight, just trying to get some info really but didn’t he agree to pay it back or already pay it back?
If you are going to attack him shouldn’t you seek more valid grounds like maybe budgets or projects he may have failed?
And maybe I am stupid but why would you buy a list like that anyway when you can get them for free??
Thanks, Todd
So if someone embezzles 4 or 5 grand from the city (or any company, for that matter), denies it, then apologizes, and pays it back—No harm, no foul right? Riiiiight—
How do you pay back the misconduct in office and the personal gains there-in?
If a bank robber returns the money to the bank, does that mean he is no longer a bank robber?
After he got caught with his hand in the cookie jar. He never would have done so on his own. He is just another liberal liar and thief.
Forgive me for my ignorance but don’t all politicians, special interest groups, charities and other group purchase and use these sorts of groups?
For example, I know Erwin Jackson regularly uses a database of the local Churches, another database of local Republicans and also a database of local businesses.
Personally I have piles of these databases from working on both political parties computers and companies and businesses all over the Southeastern United States.
I don’t use mailing or email lists like that, or pay for them. Not because I think it is unethical but because the usually have a low return rate.
Todd W. Byars, Tallahassee, Florida
Hi Todd – the issue is the City of Tallahassee spent tax dollars for the Mayor’s office to maintain this software with over 2,000 emails not in Leon County. Gillum ultimately reimbursed the City after reports surfaced.
Todd, you are smarter than this. I spent my money to buy the software, my money to buy the computer, I used my money to pay staff to operate the system, I used my money to pay for the utilities to charge this system, and the system is located in a building that was purchased with my own money. GIlumn used taxpayer money, including my money, to pay for his political activities that I do not support. Even worse his political team denied it, then lied about it and only when TR exposed the truth did Gilumn decided to apologize!
Congrats and thanks TR for another factual story about our local government . Only through knowledge will the public hold politicians accountable!
If you can’t be a Mayor you darn sure can’t be a Governor! You are playing the race card Andrew and the rest of us darn sure aren’t playing that card! Tired of this……. garbage!
Let’s keep peeling the layers off this smelly Soros onion. Great work!!
Andy has been living off Soros money for many of years.
Thanks for your great reporting and bringing the truth about Gillum to light. I hope Mayor Gilliam will do the honorable thing and resign to run for governor. I wonder if the electorate are looking for a soros socialist to be the governor of the great State of Florida?
Is incompetence not enough? Andy, it is worse than anyone imagined. Go back to playing golf, like your predecessor. That’s relatively harmless.