Finance reports filed today show that Democratic gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum has raised approximately $755,000 for the contest, including $246,000 for his campaign and $509,000 for his affiliated Forward Florida PAC that can accept unlimited donations.
Of the $755,000, approximately $425,000 or 55% came from donors outside of Florida.
The Campaign Account
The campaign finance report shows that he raised $245,934 in contributions from 3,655 donors. The average donation was $67.29.
Further analysis shows that $134,000(54%) of those contributions were made by donors in Florida. The next two highest “donor states” were California ($35,000) and New York ($21,000).
Gillum’s affiliated PAC, Forward Florida, reported $509,690 in contributions raised by 67 donors. The average PAC donation was $7,607.
TR recently reported about high profile donors to the PAC here. The donors included members of the Soros family, movie producer Norman Lear and Jane Fonda.
The report shows that there were 5 donations of $25,000, one donation of $50,000 and one donation of $100,000. These seven donations accounted for 54% of the PAC donations.
Also, an analysis shows that $308,000 (60%) of the PAC donations came from donors outside of Florida.
You can search the PAC donors in the database below.
Gillum is an obama-wanna-be and Soros puppet. The man’s entire existence is devoted to two things only: his political ambition and increasing his personal fortune. In his world, as in all Liberals, there is no right or wrong, no truth or lies – there is only what gets the job done (ask Hillary & obama, they are masters of the process). Gillum’s tenure as Tallahassee’s mayor is rife with collusion and illicit city dealings with cronies, lies and obfuscation when pressed for facts, and lost lawsuits resulting from corrupt practices. Any future office Gillum hold will have a similar sad resume.
Gillum should be kept as far away from any political position (including dog catcher) as possible. Think how much better off America would be today if voters had only stopped obama before he (questionably) became a U.S. president. The least we can do in FL is prevent Gillum from attaining another political stairstep,
despite Soros money and donations from America-hating Hollywood halfwits.
no he will run for President.
When this run fails, will he go away?? For good??
Good lucky mayor
Has a good man and make God keep in the sit
Soros puppet. Always has been.
It is a good thing outside money can’t always buy elections. If anyone is “on the fence”, which none of us are, all we need to know is that Gillum is supported by george soros and jane fonda, both of whom are poison to America, not to mention all of the other contributors.
About 50 percent of his voters will come from outside of Florida.
How much are we paying Sean Pittman to “lobby” across the street? Well, $45K of it got “laundered” into the campaign.
That’s how the wheels get greased.
Need to keep my eye on Tallahassee donors and if they are a business I can use, I go to their competitor.
Wish I had the kind of money some of these people do to throw away on a bad investment…just sayin’…