At their February 19th meeting, the Capital Region Transportation Planning Area (CRTPA) provided the 2019 performance safety measures based on average results from 2013 – 2017.
The chart below shows these measures for five different categories. The categories include fatalities, rate of fatalities, number of serious injuries, rate of serious injuries, and the number of non-motorized fatalities and non-motorized serious injuries.
The Capital TPA, which includes Tallahassee, had a 1.203 rate of fatalities per 100 million vehicle miles traveled during the period. This is 7th lowest among the 30 areas measured.
The lowest fatality rate during this period was 0.963 in Santa Rosa county and the highest rate was 3.574 in Volusia county.
The Capital TPA had the 5th lowest serious injuries rate with 5.842 injuries per 100 million vehicles miles traveled.
The lowest serious injury rate was 4.898 in the Charlotte-Punta Gordo MPO and the highest rate of 25.768 was reported for the Pasco County MPO.

I support renewing and refreshing road signage with luminous paint.
We have more seniors moving to Florida and the paint on the roads needs to be repainted periodically for motorists . improving visibility under different weather conditions, at night or during rain storms will help to decrease road crashes.
I think more street lighting, bike lanes, and sidewalks would help reduce these numbers. Also, more pedestrian activated traffic signals at crosswalks will help. Additional guardrail also.