On Friday, the Florida Department of Education (FDOE) released the 2019 FSA test results.
Based on the data, Leon County School district increased proficiency in 5 of 12 categories highlighted by the Florida Department of Education when compared to 2018 scores.
In all 12 categories, the LCS district outperformed the state-wide averages.
The scores range from levels one through five. Level 3 is considered “satisfactory,” Level 4, “proficient” and Level 5, “mastery.”
Comparisons are based on the percentage of students that scored a 3 or above.
The tables below compares the percentage of students in Leon county that scored above a level 3 in various grade groups. The scores are compared to the state averages and last years results.
Key results:
- Compared to 2018, Leon district average scores in 2019 increased in 5 categories, decreased in 6 categories, and was unchanged in one category.
- Compared to state averages, Leon district average scores were higher than the state averages in all 12 categories.
- The largest gains over 2018 was a two percentage point increase in four categories.
- The largest decrease was a four percentage point decrease in eighth grade science scores.

Hire MORE Teachers, Build MORE Class Rooms, Remove ALL Computers in Class Rooms below 9th Grade and STOP shortchanging our Schools. The Problem is, you give the Money to the Schools doing good and NONE to the Schools doing Poorly when it should be the other way around.
What Math are you teaching, Regular Math, Government Math or Common Core Math?
Please post the individual school results. If you are poor or a minority student more than likely you will be in a school with very low scores. Over 2 years of Rocky Hanna and his hand picked political operatives, Kraul, Gregory, Cox making over $100,000 each while schools fail to teach students at high levels. Math scores, Nims Middle 74 percent in grade 7 Level 1 or 2, Griffin Middle grade 7, 75 percent Level 1 or 2. Rocky Hanna and his gurus in curriculum equal failure for our most needy students. Leon Schools home of leadership failure and a lack of classroom supplies, but if you are in the Hanna inner circle without so much as an application or interview you will be given over $100,000 per year salary while we are the 46th Lowest Paid Teachers in Florida.
These test scores are not norm referenced. Look into how the test results are scored. The passing level is changed every year.