The Florida Department of Education has released the 2019 FSA scores for each school. Listed below are the results of the FSA English and FSA Math tests for Leon county’s middle schools. The source of the data is the FDOE website.
The two tables below shows the FSA English and FSA Math scores for Leon county’s middle schools for 2018, 2019, the change in scores and the amount the 2019 score is above the state average.
The scores range from levels one through five. Level 3 is considered “satisfactory,” Level 4, “proficient” and Level 5, “mastery.”
Comparisons are based on the percentage of students that scored a 3 or above.
Key takeaways:
- Compared to 2018, FSA English and FSA Math scores increased for five schools and decreased for five schools.
- The largest FSA English gain was 4.1% at Fort Braden and the largest drop was 4.2% at Deerlake. The largest FSA Math gain was 3.2% at Nims and the largest drop was 8.9% at RAA.
- Montford led all schools in english and math by scoring 76.9% on the FSA English test and 82.2% on the FSA Math test.
- Nims was last in FSA English with 24.2% and Griffin was last in FSA Math with 22.9%.
- Five schools scored above the state average in FSA English and three schools scored above the state average in FSA Math.

Teachers are unfortunately made to teach for testing not for pure curriculum. I am a former LCS employee. During my many years I experienced more parents that were not involved with their children and their school. It is a shame. Parents can make a huge difference if they would just choose to do so. Read to your child nightly, assist them with their homework, get involved in their classroom and their school. We don’t send our children to school for the school to raise them, we send them there for an education.
Bus all Griffin & Nims kids up north to the fancy shmancy Montford & Deerlake schools.
And bus the rich kids on down to the southside schools.
There: problem solved.
Pons made a critical error in his campaign and we all know what it was get over it.
Rocky Hanna is a failure. A failure as leader as illustrated by these test scores, Rocky is a failure on integrity on two levels, hiding from child support and ongoing professional lack of ethics. Rocky is a failure, our biggest looser are the most vulnerable students and families. Those of you that endorsed a man that his from his own child and parental obligation s along with knowing that Rocky orchestrated a financial settlement with a teacher he bullied, did you really expect attention to detail? I cannot understand why the school board does not forward his record of unethical antics to the State Board of Education. I fully understand the school board may be protecting Rocky Hanna because he has put a “hit list” in place.
No, it is the responsibility of the entire community including yourself. We heard your message the first time and there is no need to go on and on and on and on and on.
Anyone has the right to question public servants’ credibility and actions to the authorities including the FBI.
If the FBI chose to take no action it doesn’t mean it was a fraudulent investigation.
Rocky didn’t use dirty tricks to get elected he ran a better campaign.
Again, Pons was playing the Pied Piper with handing out jobs and citizens wanted a change.
If you really want to know some terrible things some of the powers who be have perpetrated it would trump your petty little grievances and the FBI seems to be on many of them anyway, but there is a time and a place for everything.
While you do bring up some credible aspects please just tone it down because what you have come up with isn’t enough to get anyone’s attention.
If you feel that strongly go find a candidate and put that candidate forward in the next election cycle.
Hope, I agree that anyone should be allowed to bring awareness to corrupt practices. its absolutely crucial to our democracy. But its wrong to manipulate the justice or legal system to help win a campaign. The fact that his opponent got an exoneration letter proves that at least the FBI thinks so. Letters like that are almost never sent except in extraordinary circumstances.
It is a shame our new mayor is not concerned with fighting crime or improving schools, but rather more concerned with more shameless self-promotion.
But that’s what local politicians have done for years and the reason we’re in the position we are in because they make TV commercials rather than doing the job they took an oath to do… which is to serve the public-at-large, but instead they serve themselves. Shameless!
The job of improving schools is the responsibility of Rocky Hanna. Rocky was elected to the position of head Instructional Leader of our school system, he is a failure. Rocky is an educational con-man who used every dirty trick to get elected while claiming to take the high road. Nothing on the high road about costing taxpayers $600,000 with an investigation that you admitted was fraudulent, nothing on the high road placing political appointments in jobs that pay $100,000 without interviews while teachers are the 46th lowest paid in Florida.
Big puff piece on Hizzoner right now in Tallahassee Magazine, just hit all the NE mailboxes.
Next up the Tallahassee and Leon County public officials promoting themselves at the out-of-town Tallahassee Chamber of Commerce Buffalo pool party paid for by the taxpayers.
I wonder if the FBI will be attending this year?
When will we start giving equal importance and attention to the Southside schools?
Thank you for reporting these results. We can tell from the silence of Leon County Schools they did not want the scores to be made public. If you’re a student at Nims or Griffin you now have a larger achievement cap than ever before. I bet Rocky enjoyed waking up each day reading the Tallahassee Democrat when they were printing stories about his fraudulent FBI investigation (the US Attorney on the record said no wrongdoing, Rocky admitted to the school board attorney he made up everything in the notebook and that he authored the purposely planned misleading summaries in each sections) now that we have the real news which is a huge academic gap under the lack of leadership of Rocky Hanna.
I wonder will Rocky Hanna allow all members of the community to participate in improving our children’ Education!