Over the last five years, growth in student enrollment in Leon County public schools has slowed to almost zero in 2018-2019.
An analysis of Florida Department of Education data shows the following:
- Over the five year period, from 2014-15 to 2018-19, Leon county student enrollment increased 474 Full Time Equivalent’s (FTE) from 33,558 to 34,032. This is a 1.41% increase. During this same time period, growth in student enrollment at the state level was 3.36%.
- From 2017-18 to 2018-19 the number of FTE’s increased from 34,014 to 34,032. This a 0.05% increase. At the state level, enrollment increased 0.45% in 2018-19.
Next report: LCS revenue growth during the last five years.

Leon County school system is a joke.
Rocky Hannahs own words to the school board attorney “I had no first-hand knowledge of any wrong doing”. Rocky admitted he made up allegations that cost taxpayers $600,000. Would you want your child to go to a school system led by a person who knowingly falsified information to Federal and state authorities because he wanted to dirty up his opponent? Rocky admits he made it all up costing our community over $600,000. Actions by our elected school board – NONE!
Why would any family move to Tallahassee and enter a child into a school system led by a man that hid from child support for 10 years? Why would anyone place a child in a school system led by a man that dated teachers he evaluated as Principal, then bullied them into a transfer? Rocky Hanna equals declining enrollment by parents who care about the misbehavior of Rocky Hanna that goes unchecked by the school board.
Are you also counting ALL the Vouchers you handed out? If not, you should be since it is OUR Tax Dollars paying for them.
It would interesting to know how enrollment at private and charter schools have grown in Leon County.