On Sept. 4, 2019, the Tallahassee City Commission will hold a workshop to discuss strategic planning for the next five years. The main purpose of the workshop is to review City performance in service areas, including infrastructure and public safety, and incorporate City Commission feedback into a final plan with improvement targets to meet by 2024, Tallahassee’s 200th anniversary.
The Commission decided to move forward on a new strategic plan after its January goal-setting retreat. The first step was updating existing mission, vision, and values statements. The Commission then gathered citizen input and created goals and objectives.
Now, the Commission is drafting a final plan with an overall goal of improving every service area, especially those which citizens specifically think need improvement.
Earlier this year, City Staff surveyed citizens to gauge their impressions of each service area.
According to the workshop agenda, when residents took the survey, staff informed them about the current strategic planning effort and stressed why their input was critical to the process. The survey listed ten service areas provided by the City, and asked respondents to select the City’s strongest performing services and areas of opportunity.
In-person surveys were conducted at seven community events, including the LeMoyne Chain of Parks Art Festival and the Tallahassee Downtown Farmers Market. The same survey was then available online at talgov.com/2024 from Jun. 17 through Jun. 30. The online survey combined with the in-person surveys totaled 2469 responses.
According to survey data, citizens want the City to make improvements in affordable housing, public safety, economic opportunities for all, and roads and sidewalks. Survey respondents listed Tallahassee’s strengths as parks, trails, and other public spaces, electric and water services, recovery from natural disasters, and eco-friendliness.

City staff stated that the “community’s input sets the stage for defining the goals and objectives that will meet the Commission’s five-year vision and address the priority areas of need.”
For areas of need, the Commission will create new targets to meet by 2024. For areas of high performance, they will create standards to maintain national leader status.
The Commission is slated to adopt the final plan on Oct. 16, 2019.
Strengths are liberal goals for the tax dollars already voted on and we are paying . Opportunities are liberal goals that we will have to pay for if politicians get their way. Wish we could have some goals that deal with attracting more business to the area, ways to cut waste in government, and reduce taxes.
Bravo! Good thinking outside of the box!
“Wishing you could have some goals” without participation in government sounds like a good plan.