Information provided by the Tallahassee Police Department (TPD) shows that there were approximately 400 incidents reported in August, 2019. Of those incidents, 335 were property incidents and 65 were violent incidents.
A regional breakdown of the incidents – based on TPD defined quadrants – shows that the Northwest quadrant of Tallahassee led the month with 157 property incidents and 23 violent incidents.
During August, city-wide, there were:
- 141 Auto-Burglaries
- 87 Auto Thefts
- 77 Residential Burglaries
- 15 Commercial Burglaries
- 21 Aggravated Assault & Batteries
- 13 Death Investigations
- 12 Armed & Strongarm Robberies
- 13 Sexual Batteries

TPD Quadrants
TPD reports the location of crime incidents based on “Beat Boundaries” and “Quadrants. The four quadrants are Northeast, Northwest, Southeast, and Southwest. The “Beats” included in each quadrants are shown below.

The mayor ran on the platform that he would do something about crime yet he has said and done nothing except make illegal car commercials.
Is it possible that the crime rate is now even worse than it was under Gillum?
Its moot. We dont have an actual mayor. The entire city commission is responsible for running the city and enforcing the laws, and they waste time on solar panels, scooters and parks instead.
And really what can they do? Force parents to do a better job raising their kids? We cant a police state to stop every crime. We have to find a way to deal with the causes of crime.
The abnormally high crime rate for a city this size is really hurting Tallahassee’s chances of ever becoming a “great” city – we are perpetually known for crime and political corruption, a fine reputation indeed. How can we deserve any “southern charm” city ratings when weekly murders and robberies are routine?
Until COT makes it Priority One to attract more companies to the South Side to create entry level and upper job opportunities for those citizens, the root causes of crime (poverty and family disintegration) will always be there. I realize the job of attracting NEW companies to Tallahassee is made all the harder because of our pervasive crime problem, but at least try – it beats hell out of banning plastic straws and buying electric scooters as somehow being important. Reminds me of people deciding to rearrange their living room furniture while their house is on fire.
The other part of Priority One would be to hire a tough as nails, fire-breathing chief of police that makes it his mission in life to clean up the crime in Tallahassee. Nothing against our present TPD, they deserve thanks and respect for trying to do a very difficult, dangerous job.
But COT needs to get tough on the crime issue at both ends: The root causes and the criminals themselves. Hire a Police Chief who gets RESULTS and doesn’t care about winning any local popularity contests by how they get it done.
The considerable property crime is directly influenced by the drug problem the City has. Likewise, it’s been indicated by TPD that numerous guns are obtained by car break-ins.
Solutions: first, fine car owners for improperly securing their weapon. (Note: I’m very pro second amendment but gun ownership comes with this responsibility). Second, address drug issues with better drug treatment programs. Currently, it’s a terrible program. Kids are in our schools vaping marijuana oil! Third, create and support a conflict resolution program involving all the needed components: victim, perp, law enforcement, judicial, and state Atty and HAVE their support. This is not happening now.
These suggestions would be a start.
Fine me for someone stealing my property and then using it to committ a crime? Thats backwards.
The Fake Newsocrat just ran a pretty detailed story on the recent shoot-out in Brittany Estates.
Kind of not typical for the Fake Newsocrat to interview witnesses and cover in such detail.
Several of the residents interviewed did not speak English.
The Fake Newsocrat can not be reporting on this as a public service or reporting in any honest and honorable way whatsoever.
Quite likely the Fake Newsocrat is planning to use this coverage as a twisted leftist ploy to give a percieved leg leg up to whichever panty-waist leftist the City appoints to Chief of Police.
Snidester: TPD’s interpretation of Marsy’s Law is blocking the Fake Newsocrat from getting most of the details for crime stories, except a few basics. They have become the rag’s executive editor by proxy. Because the Fake Newsocrat has only the barest of resources left, if TPD or LSCO doesn’t write it in their press releases, it doesn’t show up in their story.
Did you see their coverage from Saturday’s FSU AFTERNOON home game in the Sunday paper, as has been the norm for the last half century?
If you think journalism isn’t dead, get a one-month subscription to the Fake Newsocrat. That will convince you you’re wrong.
There is a DIRECT CORRELATION with CYNTHIA BARBER assigned 3 years ago as the Head of Police, CDA (with no qualifications), etc. and her decreasing active enforcement with the increase of horrific events. 3 SHOOTING deaths in 3 days and 5 people stabbed on the 4th day. That’s what a City system that’s run criminally amok has done to our Community. While the City Attorney withholds Info due to their (Barber & Jackson’s) interpretation of Marcy’s law…..