At 10:22 on January 6th, Lawrence Revell was sworn-in as Tallahassee’s next Police Chief. The ceremony was held at the Jack McLean Community Center, located at 700 Paul Russell Road on the southside of town not far from where Mr. Revell attended Rickards High School.
Many local government dignitaries were in attendance, including Mayor John Dailey, Tallahassee City Commissioners, Leon County Commissioners and Sheriff Walt McNeil.
Revell, a Tallahassee native, has served with TPD for 28 years. He has earned two Medals of Bravery (2007 and 1997) and two Meritorious Service Awards (2008 and 1996).
The swearing-in began with comments from Tallahassee City Manager Reese Goad, who oversaw the selection process for a new police chief. Goad said “a journey has come to an excellent end.” He described Revell as a “man of high character and faith.”
Interim Police Chief Steve Outlaw welcomed Revell to his new position speaking briefly about the importance of humility in successful leadership.
Revell began his comments to the crowd of approximately 300 by saying that “God had a plan.” His remarks were focused on hope and the future.
Revell said that this day brings hope for unity in our town through transparency and inclusivity and hope for the future. He vowed that the community would unite to end violent crime and take back our neighborhoods.
“Our hope for unity is being realized and we must continue to seize the momentum that has been started,” Revell said.
Revell said he sees a future where officers view the community as family and friends. He said his vision is to work tirelessly to bring the community together to fight violent crime.
Revell ended his remarks by thanking his family, friends, city officials and Jesus Christ. He then invited all clergy in attendance to the podium. The clergy, led by Reverend R.B. Holmes, prayed over Chief Revell.

It is proven that more guns = less crime. Those who don’t own guns, have never fired one, etc., are usually afraid of them even though they’re inanimate objects and so don’t understand the enduring logic of the previous statement.
“Gun-free zone” and “No guns allowed” with signs saying such is one of the worst places to be, because criminals, you know, those folks who ignore the rules, know they have an advantage there and the ‘law-abiding’ who dutifully obey the signs are SITTING DUCKS.
Now that he’s sworn in, Revell needs to do WHATEVER IT TAKES to clean up those very large areas of Tallahassee that have become “high crime areas”. And some of these areas not too long ago were very nice places to live and work. Areas around FSU, rather, the entire southwest for all intents and purposes a “no-go” zone, needs to be the first to be cleaned up. And the only way to clean up such areas is for the LAW to strike terror into the hearts of the hardened miscreants who feel they now own that “turf” and have free reign there.
The entire west side of Tallahassee has, because of political correctness in the police force and the commissioners who pull their strings, become dismal with crime and drugs and growing more so by the week.
Take your guns inside isn’t really a solution. To crime. Hopefully he comes up with something better
So happy that we ended up with the best candidate of all who applied! Really feel that Lawrence Revell will be the best police chief ever!