Leon County to Address Recycling Issue

Leon County to Address Recycling Issue

On Tuesday, the Leon County Board of County Commissioners is set to consider the approval of an amendment to the County’s contract with Marpan Recycling, to ensure the continuation of the County’s “single-stream” recycling program. Also, the item seeks authorization from the Board to contract with SCS Engineers to identify alternative long-term strategies for the County’s future recycling program.

If approved the amendment has a fiscal impact resulting in a projected increase of $168,000 for the remainder of the current fiscal year. The funding for the additional cost will come from the general fund contingency account. Additionally, the expense for the study of the long-term recycling program would be an added $70,000. This cost will be split equally between the County and the City, and the County’s payment will be made through available funds from the Transfer Station budget.    

Under the County’s current agreement, the County pays Marpan Recycling a cap of $28 per ton to process using its “single-stream recycling.” Furthermore, there is a revenue sharing arrangement for the value that exceeds the cost of processing the recycled goods. However at this time the cost to process the recycled goods exceeds that of their resale value, therefore there has been no collection of revenue from the recycling program. Consequently Marpan is absorbing operating losses to continue to operate the recycling program.

In order to continue with the recycling program and to maintain a good financial partnership with Marpan, the Board has proposed a contract amendment beginning February 2020 through January 2021. The new flat fee for the County would be $80.25 per ton, which is an increase pf $65.29 per ton. In addition to a 40% share of its revenues with the County.

Lastly, the contract amendment advances the County’s FY2017-FY2021 Strategic Initiative and 5-year target to increase recycling and reuse rates and increase to 75% community recycling rate. This initiative aligns with the Board’s Environment Strategic Priority to “reduce our carbon footprint.” 

5 Responses to "Leon County to Address Recycling Issue"

  1. Incinerate it for energy production through gasification, a carbon-neutral option, and offset the cost of COT Utilities, another scam of its own.
    COT won’t do it for they lack imagination.

  2. Wow now you can’t even assuage your carbon guilt. I watched this Chinese buying no more recycling campaign . Carbon footprint? Let’s focus on things that actually matter

  3. SO, over 300% Cost increase per Ton? SO, I guess what I pay per Quarter, I will be paying per Month. It that happens, I will cancel the Service and burn my Trash with my Yard Waste and drop my Recycles off at a Recycle Ben where it is free.

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