Local Businesses Taking Advantage of Blueprint Program

Local Businesses Taking Advantage of Blueprint Program

Just two days after voting to approve a program to help local businesses deal with the economic impact of the coronavirus, almost $100,000 has been awarded.

Leon County government reports that 25 local businesses have been approved under the program.

The Blueprint Intergovernmental Agency – which is comprised of Leon County and City of Tallahassee elected officials – approved $1,000,000 in funding for the program at their Wednesday meeting. Officials are meeting later to consider more relief.

Listed below is the press release from Leon County with information on how to apply.


Local Businesses Awarded 24 Hours after Activation of $1M Blueprint Grant

25 Local Businesses Were Awarded Grants Thus Far

TALLAHASSEE, Fla., March 27, 2020 – Less than 24 hours after activating the COVID-19 Emergency Disaster Relief Grant Program, the County and City awarded critical grant dollars to local businesses in urgent need. Earley’s Kitchen and Hair on Earth are among the first 25 businesses to receive grant funding.

“I am pleased that my colleagues from the IA Board recognized the need to economically support local business during this time and approved this program,” Leon County Commission Chairman and Chairman of the IA Board Bryan Desloge said. “The program is a quick tool to fill the gap to help businesses remain open.”

On Wednesday, the Blueprint Intergovernmental Agency Board, comprised of the County and City Commissions, approved allocating $1 million locally to leverage and align with up to $800 million federal dollars to assist local small businesses.

“We are pleased that this grant opportunity is helping our small businesses in Tallahassee-Leon County as a bridge to federal, state and private funding options during these first critical weeks,” said City Commissioner Elaine Bryant, vice chair of the Blueprint Intergovernmental Agency.

Administered by the Tallahassee-Leon County Office of Economic Vitality, the $1 million grant program provides an initial lifeline to local businesses to keep employees employed, thereby supporting continuity of operations as they weather the economic hardships during the first critical days and weeks of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“We are so grateful for the support of our local leaders during this critical time,” said Jay Morrell, owner and chef of Earley’s Kitchen. “These funds help keep our employees paid and our doors open.”

The distribution of the grant funds will be based on the number of employees. Once applied, businesses with one to 10 employees will be awarded $1,500, businesses with 11 to 24 employees will be awarded $2,500, and businesses with 25 to 50 employees will be granted $5,000.

“The support small businesses, like mine, have received from the Office of Economic Vitality and our local community has been so inspiring,” said Hair on Earth Owner Holly Galotti.“ Everyone is rallying to support each other, and that has meant the world to us local business owners. We are so happy to receive funding so we can keep moving forward, which is the most important concern right now.”

Along with the activation of the grant program, the OEV has released a Business Resource Guide for businesses and employers that can be accessed on their website at https://bit.ly/BusinessGuide_OEV. To assist local restaurants, the OEV has the “Open for Takeout” interactive map available to the public and accepting updates from local businesses.

“Since the activation of this grant program, our team has been working diligently and expeditiously to review over 50 applications thus far,” OEV Director Cristina Paredes said. “We are pleased to offer support to our small businesses during this time.”

To apply for the CEDR Grant Program, visit http://oevforbusiness.org/cedr-grant/. For questions regarding the CEDR Grant Program, contact the OEV at info@OEVforBusiness.org.

14 Responses to "Local Businesses Taking Advantage of Blueprint Program"

  1. Did Marpan get any money? Who’s going to process all the PPE that is disposed daily and at every COVID19 test? Now that ‘China isn’t buying’. Heard Trump had a great talk with Xi several hours ago, and that Xi chose wisely. Maybe the tide will turn?

  2. Precisely my point. There’s no reason why they wouldn’t have to be disclosed. I cant imagine either that reporters didn’t ask for that. The fact they weren’t revealed likely means that several of those businesses must be Matlow’s Business Partner’s.

  3. I would think with a freedom of information request they would have to give the names and how much money they got!

  4. A List of Which Business is getting the Funds should be Posted. I will bet that some of them don’t need it but, FREE Money is FREE Money, RIGHT? The Virus Money, if I have to apply for it then, I will NOT apply. If it shows up in my Mail Box, I plan to donate it to Charity.

  5. Looking at the news stories, it looks like Commissioner Matlow should be reported to the Florida Commission on Ethics.

    He did not recuse himself. Instead, being the scion of ethics he is, he participated fully in a discussion that created at minimum, the appearance of a conflict of interest; I would argue this was an ACTUAL conflict of interest. He then made an honest pledge to simply “not apply” for the aid. The ethical thing to do would have been to recuse himself from both the discussion, and the vote. Given the optics of this, the proof of actual benefit is not required. I do not trust that Matlow did not steer or guide the conversation that could have a tangential personal benefit. That calls into question the legitimacy of the entire body, and I now cannot trust the entire institution.

    Reading his statement, he said HE would not apply, not that his business would not.

    I’ll be watching to see if he holds up his promise. I think it interesting that the County will not list the 25 businesses taking this corporate welfare and my money.

  6. How much did Gaines Street Pies get?

    What is the legal basis to use an infrastructure tax like this?

    For shame, Jeremy. For shame. I will vote for whomever files to run against you.

    1. Jeremy Matlow said that his businesses would not be applying for this or other local funding. So $0 for Gaines Street Pies

      1. That’s not how Public Ethics works.

        Again, if it didn’t create the appearance of a conflict, why doth the lady protest so much?

  7. How do they prove they have those Numbers of Employee’s? Will Part Time Employee’s be counted the same as a Full Time Employee such as, 11 Full Time Employee’s = 22 Part Time Employee’s or will 11 Part Time Employee’s get the Owner the $2,500? How does the Owner prove the Money is Needed? I guess Matlow will be getting the $5,000 per Business he owns?

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