In the Leon County Schools Distance Learning Update on April 20, Superintendent Rocky Hanna addressed common questions regarding distance learning as well as the district’s plans for high school graduation.
LCS has been practicing distance learning since late March to prevent COVID-19 spread. On Saturday, April 18, Governor Ron DeSantis announced the Florida K-12 schools will remain closed and continue distance learning for the rest of the 2019-2020 school year.
Hanna said LCS is engaged with over 95% of its 34,000 students through distance learning.
He said one common question about distance learning is why the district is using so many platforms.
“We wanted to cast a broad net in order to catch as many students as we possibly could, given their own individual circumstances with devices or lack of devices or connectivity or not having connectivity,” he said.
Hanna said another issue has been finding the appropriate amount of homework to assign to students. He said the district has received feedback and constructive criticism and is working with teachers to find the homework “sweet spot.”
Another issue Hanna brought up is grade calculation. He said LCS is developing a district-wide plan for grading based on a curve model. The district also decided to exempt students from final exams this year, and the State of Florida canceled standardized testing.
Finally, Hanna addressed the district’s plans for high school graduation.
“If we can—and getting clearance by the Department of Health here across the street—we are going to do something,” he said. “We are going to do something special to recognize all the wonderful accomplishments of our 2000-plus seniors in our school system.”
Hanna said he is in contact with staff from the Donald L. Tucker Civic Center and Florida State University regarding the possibility of a drive-in ceremony. He noted that any ceremony will be approved by the Department of Health.

If education matters we should all be placed on high alert that Rock Hanna’s comments illuminate the public the he is inexplicably illiterate on matters of educational excellence. As an educational leader Rocky has no credentials other than his ability to date teachers along with his uncanny superpower to pay people over $100,000 without ever posting a job. Can you image the laughter each time an Assistant Superintendents places a paycheck for almost $9,000 per month in their account knowing they never had to interview for a job while teachers are the 46th lowest paid in Florida!
Rocky, your updates are as flawed as your character. Rocky, you admitted to the school board attorney that you had NO KNOWLEDGE OF ANY WRONGDOING yet you cost taxpayers over $600,000 to get back at the former Superintendent.
The update is you are not to be trusted.
Board members Rasmussen and Wood do what King Hanna wants them too. As loyal gueens, they never challenge him. He will make sure they get enough funny money to stay on the Board and continue his reign. HAH, HAH, HAH money coming to both.
Not a word about what students are learning. Rocky you and your $100,000 Assistant Superintendent Political Posse should all be investigated for not following district hiring guideline. Jobs were never posted, interviews were never held,$100,000 payouts to Rocky’s Insiders. Why is the public and the school board not outraged? This is deplorable behavior and hiring practices. Rocky’s lack of detail in his comments show he is void of any useful leadership, unless you call being sued for not paying paying child support after 10 years of hiding leadership.
Look at leftist Rocky dreaming of a Joe Biden election, orgasming in his pants at his dream of Michelle – Hillary – Oprah – or Pocahontas being the VP ready to take over, that’s ya boy Rocky!!!
Can anyone explain to me why DeeDee has not stepped down? She should submit her resignation letter tomorrow to District 4 voters. Our community and our governor must step-in! Deedee does not step foot on our campuses, has no relationships with our administrators, does not fight for her districts resources, has spent her career lobbying for the same $ that public education is fighting for, and is unable to VOTE on her biggest job duty due to a conflict of interest.
What does it take? Can we afford to wait till the next election? Will we have portables back on District 4 school campuses because she allowed her districts portion of capital outlay resources to be redirected to other schools outside of District 4. She says she supports music education but her per pupil portion Of Mr.Hannas handout is significantly smaller than other schools.
Deedee DO YOU JOB!
Dont hold your breath for the Gov. to soil himself with anything the leftist snakes in Leon County do ever.
Trump had to drag him out from under his bed after he disappeared for 3 weeks from the Florida Governors race after the “Monkey It Up” fiasco.
Almost lost Florida by 30,000 votes.
You all voted these leftists into office and you are on your own.
The Gov. wont touch these leftist turds with a 10 foot pole.
Good luck.
Just saying what you all know is true.