The latest report by the Florida Department of Health (DOH) shows that the positive test rate for COVID-19 in Leon County has dropped as the number of tests have increased.
The overall positive test rate for Leon County, as of May 8th, is 4.6%. This rate is based on 5,527 tests which resulted in 252 positive results.
The positive test rate for Florida is 7.6%.
Since May 2nd Leon County has conducted approximately 2,227 tests. The results of those tests show that 2,110 were negative and 17 were positive. This is a .76% positive test rate.
The table below, from the Florida DOH, summarizes the testing information for Leon County since April 25.

Florida testing information since April 24.

Of course it is low. The tests are not being done “correctly. At drive up they handled us the test kids and said to do it yourself with no instructions. Later I learned you must push the swab up your nose as far as it can go which is three to four inches otherwise you get a false reading. The drive through is a waste of time and money with misleading results.
I thought Northwood had set up an obstacle driving course for teens that couldn’t take Driving School. WTH is that all about, with all the cones and stations?
My guess: ANOTHER complete waste of our tax money