At their May 13 meeting, the City Commissioners voted to award a $1,460,327.40 construction contract for extensive improvements to an air traffic control tower at the Tallahassee International Airport.
The contract will be awarded to OliverSperry Renovation and Construction, Inc., a Tallahassee construction company that has previously renovated several restaurants, churches, office spaces, and more throughout the city.
OliverSperry bid $1,352,155 for the project. According to the meeting agenda, the contract also includes an eight percent project contingency, bringing the total cost to $1,460,327.40.
OliverSperry had the lowest bid of the three bidders. RAM Construction and Development, LL bid $1,458,000, and Mills and McKinnon Contractors bid $2,209,770.
Staff reports that the air traffic control tower needs extensive renovations and repairs to provide personnel with an adequate work environment. Air traffic control specialists are responsible for instructing pilots through taxiing, takeoff, and landing as well as directing air traffic.
According to the meeting agenda, improvements are needed to the life safety and fire alarm, sprinkler system, fire egress, elevator, HVAC, restrooms, and interior flooring and finishes.
The renovation project was included in the FY 2020 proposed Capital Improvement Program (CIP), staff reports. Funding for the contract with OliverSperry will come from the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) and the Airport Repairs, Replacement, and Improvements (RR&I) Undesignated Fund Balance.

Is all of the $1,460,327.40 to be spent on the Tower? Sure seems like a Lot and I will bet, it will cost a lot MORE before it is done.