City Commission Candidate Profile: Bill Schack

City Commission Candidate Profile: Bill Schack

In January 2020, Bill Schack filed to run for City Commission Seat 2. Incumbent Curtis Richardson is also running for the position, as well as Trish Brown, Lynette Halter, and Geraldine Seay.

Schack has lived in Tallahassee for over 30 years. He graduated from Florida State University and went on to work in hospitality. Currently, he is the Food Services Director at the Kearney Center. Focuses of his campaign are supporting law enforcement and lowering crime.


What motivated you to run for local office?

“I ran in 2018, and I learned so much during that campaign about Tallahassee. I learned elected officials continue to make promises they don’t keep. I learned elected officials do not move fast enough to restore the public trust. I learned no one seems to really care about the shady dealings in our City Government. I learned that parts of our City have no representation at City Hall, and that cannot continue. In addition, it is time to remove the final Commissioner who had a front row seat during our City’s darkest and corrupt time that brought the FBI to town. That is what motivated me to run again in 2020.”

What unique perspective would you bring to the position?

“I would bring a very different perspective in our entire City Government. I am unconnected to any City insider, and I have no business dealings with anyone who does business with the City. I am also unconnected to any past officials or Commissioners. I do not pal around with City representatives of the past and present like many others. In addition, I would be the only City Commissioner to be on the frontlines working with people struggling in our City every day.”

What do you see as the biggest challenges facing Tallahassee?

“The biggest challenge facing Tallahassee, which has not changed from the 2018 biggest challenge, is Crime and Public Safety. This needs to be treated as the number one priority by the City Commission, and we must support the new Police Chief with action, not talk. Other challenges include working with the non-profit community to reach more people who are struggling including children. In addition, we must be better stewards of the money that we have in our huge City Budget, and the other funding sources in our City such as Blueprint and the CRA.”

What is your plan to address these challenges?

“The first plan is to be very aggressive, and open about our support for Chief Revell and the entire TPD force. My plan to address our neighbors is to bring a new voice to the City Commission. A voice who represents neighborhoods that feel they have no voice developing common sense solutions. A voice to represent the Northeast part of Tallahassee, who has no representation at City Hall. A voice with experience working on the front lines with many organizations who impact lives daily, who know the impact they can make with more funding.”

Responsibilities of the City Commissioner position include setting City policies and setting tax rates. It has a four-year term length and annual salary of $39,588.00. The primary election date is August 18 and the general election date is November 3.

Campaign contribution and expenditure information is available here.

Ahead of the 2020 local election season, Tallahassee Reports has asked all local candidates to answer basic questions about their candidacy. The answers to the questions are in the candidates own words.The goal is to get as much information out to voters as possible. More focused questions will be addressed as the election draws nearer.

10 Responses to "City Commission Candidate Profile: Bill Schack"

  1. The Richardson Profile is GONE. I can’t find it any where, along with the Guy running for Public Defender. What is going on TR? If I could Vote for City Commissioner, it would be for bill.

  2. Two important points here.

    1. Honest responses to the questions that seem to come from the heart and real-life experience, as oppose to consultant written pablum.

    2. No mention of or attempt to exploit the illusion of “systemic racism”.

    This candidate certainly has my attention.

  3. Our City Kommissars, after their foolish, cowardly decision to spend probably $20,000 of OUR tax money on an Anti-American, anti-family Marxist mural, deserve a SHACK ATTACK!

  4. Bill you have my vote. You won’t recall me, but I recall you when we worked in the same field kitchen at Operation Barbecue when they were in Tallahassee cooking meals for Hurricane Michael victims in Panama City. I’ve seen how hard you work and your eagerness to help others. You already have my vote and my wife’s vote, and I’ll urge our friends, neighbors, and family to vote for you. Tallahassee desperately needs someone who really cares about the city and the quality of life, and someone who wants to end the high crime and systemic corruption in our city commission. We really need you and others like you to be elected!

  5. This is one of the most important races in this election cycle that can heal and move Tallahassee forward in positive directions and serve citizens well.

    Bill is ready to hit the ground running and the economy will improve and the crime rate will go down within one week of electing this candidate.

    Bill Schack for City Commission 2020!

  6. I often wonder what it would take for our little island of blue in a sea of North Florida America loving common sense conservatives to elect a Republican.
    Yes historically there was Manny and later that Republican In Name Only Dislodge. But do they really count as conservatives?

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