Over the last two weeks, COVID cases in Leon County have dropped by approximately 5% . However, the decline is not uniform across Leon County. TR analyzed the trends in COVID cases by zip codes across Leon County over a two week period.
TR also calculated the number of new cases over a two week period per 10,000 people for each of zip code. This calculation is a standard used by many government jurisdictions to direct policy decisions related to COVID.
The chart below shows that the number of new COVID cases have declined in five zip codes in Leon County when compared to new cases reported the previous week. These zip codes include 32301, 32303, 32304, 32309, 32312, and 32317.
Cases have increased in 32305, 32308, 32310, and 32311.

What about concentration of cases?
The chart below shows the number of reported cases over the last two weeks per 10,000 residents for Leon County zip codes. Four zip codes – 32309, 32311, 32312, 32317 – have less than 20 reported cases per 10,000 residents over the two week period from 8-14 to 8-29.
Four zip codes – 32301, 32304, 32305, 32308 – have over 30 cases per 10,000 residents with 32308 having 50.4 cases per 10,000 residents.

There are five zip codes where the COVID case concentration is greater than 30 cases per 10,000 residents and increasing. Those zip codes are 32305, 32308 and 32310.
Not all the readership is so over this or yawning. Some are over 65 &/or some may have health conditions that make them more vulnerable. They are still sheltering in place because so many others don’t take the virus seriously. These are people who have worked 50 or more years & deserve the chance to retire, not be in debt due to hospital charges or to die. I’ve been stunned by how many people don’t seem to care about others who are more vulnerable. It is good to have concrete data that shows where more effort needs to addressed. When tuberculosis (TB), a contagious disease, was a serious health problem people were involuntarily sent to TB health facilities to recover so as not to infect others. Contagion & potential fatalities were taken very seriously. Public Health Departments dealt with contagious diseases & prevention. Doctors, not politicians, made health decisions. Thank you Tallahassee Reports.
More than 11,000 of our fellow Floridians have died from the Coronavirus. That’s way too many. NOBODY said we’re all going to die from this but the more informed we are, the better we can protect those of us that are vulnerable. It’s unfortunate some people don’t see this ongoing contagious illness as serious enough to monitor until it touches their family or friends the way it touched mine. Please keep the information coming.
Thank you for the concrete data. We can make choices for ourselves based on facts.
Thanks, great info. The local data by zip code is really valuable and useful in making daily decisions with both my children, myself and my grand children. This Covid pandemic presents a constantly changing situation and even though the data is not fun to take in, it’s as real as a heart attack!
Thanks for bringing a bit of levity to this so-called “disaster” that’s going to kill us all, so they say.. I agree, most clear-thinking people have growing weary of all the daily numbers and stories of COVID-19 doom and gloom.
Lets move on to other stories of disaster and doom and gloom like the election in November, riots, so-called peaceful demonstrations, shootings, forest fires, hurricanes and more.
Hey wait! Maybe following the COVID-19 progress isn’t so bad after all.
as time goes on – more data is available. Be nice to know how it actually spread!
….yawn….the readership is already so over this.
Time to move on.