Driven by new COVID cases in the 32304 zip code, the Leon County 7-day average positivity has more than doubled over the last six days.
The 7-day average positivity rate was 3.71% on August 27th and has increased to 9.73% as of September 2nd.
Over the last four days there have been 581 new COVID cases reported in Leon County. Approximately 45% or 261 of the cases originated in the 32304 zip code. The population of the 32304 zip code is approximately 16.3% of Leon County’s total population.
The 32304 zip code includes FSU, TCC and Frenchtown.
On Thursday, the COVID report for Leon County showed a spike of 256 cases with 84% occurring in the 15-24 year age group.


The 9K refers to an attempt to sort out the people who actually died from Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov/Pelosi/BiteMe/Cuomo disease vs. those who happened to have had it when they died, from a car wreck, COPD, arteriosclerosis, effects of alcoholism… It is “controversial” in part because there’s room for multiple contributing factors to weaken someone to the fatality point. So, the “real” number may be 9K, 10K, 15K… but the reporting systems & local & state standards & ME judgment calls & political incentives are so bollixed up or subjective that it is impossible so sort out.
The “random” sampling tests in NY reported over 20% infected months ago, but CDCP national average has stayed at 9% for weeks…as the illiberal leftist rioting continues.
But I was wondering what those strange college students were doing in the kitchen the other day? How did they get in? Must’ve slipped through when someone let the wolf in or the lions out or fed the snakes, or maybe those noxious native cockroaches & mosquitoes popped the locks to let them in.??????
You can dismiss those cases as “students,” but students go shopping and dining in the same places you do.
Any case is a case that can be spread to you.
Lighten up folks, protect those at risk and get on with your lives. Fewer than 10,000 have died nationwide as a direct result of Covid without underlying causes. Those at risk should take care but society must move forward.
The jump is because FSU is in Leon county and two weeks ago, college students returned in droves leading to a jump in cases two weeks later.
Over the last two days 252 and 265 cases have been reported in Leon County. This represents 7.7% and 7.3% of the total cases reported in the state. Before this week, Leon County totals have been around 1% of the state’s daily total going back to April. Why the huge jump now? Why hasn’t a similar jump been seen in Alachua County?
Well said by Tango247. Any attempt at dealing with this from a sane standpoint has gone out the window long ago. Case positivity without any semblance of context will continue to be used by our Capitol District Kommissars to keep smashing the panic button, keep destroying small and minority businesses and maintain power and control at all costs.
Is this the PCR test that the New York Times just indicated was up to 90% inaccurate? Meaning the PCR test amplifies the sample to the point that insignificant (asymptomatic and non-contagious) viral loads give a positive result.
Since about 40,0000 kids in that age group just returned to town and that zip code I am wondering if this should be taken as a rogue data point.
Likely it will be not viewed as such and breaks the streak so we don’t stay under 5% for two weeks and we all keep masking.