TPD Chief Revell Addresses Saturday’s Protest

TPD Chief Revell Addresses Saturday’s Protest

At the City Commission meeting today, Tallahassee Police Department Chief Lawrence Revell addressed TPD’s response to the protest last Saturday, where 15 protestors were arrested.

The protest, which was not permitted, took place after grand jury verdicts were released for three officer-involved shootings in which none of the officers were charged.

Revell said that law enforcement had met with the group that was protesting the day of the demonstration and explained the rules, which include staying out of the street. He said the protestors initially complied.

“The problems began when the cars did not obey the rules like we had asked them,” Revell said. “They were clearly impeding traffic.”

Revell said law enforcement repeatedly asked protestors to stop blocking traffic. One car was asked to pull over, and protestors began resisting. Revell said arrests began when protestors began “attacking officers.”

“I did do a good show of force, because I’m not going to have my officers attacked and neither are any of these other law enforcement leaders that are with us here tonight,” he said. “That is not acceptable.”

Revell emphasized that, as protests continue, protest organizers should work with law enforcement to help keep people safe.

“When we have compliance, we have no issues. When people follow the rules and follow the laws, we have no issues,” he said.

State Attorney Jack Campbell confirmed that there is a possibility that charges against some of the protestors who were arrested could be dropped.

Revell, Campbell and Leon County Sheriff Walt McNeil emphasized that law enforcement had a large presence at the demonstration because they were attempting to avoid a clash between Black Lives Matter protestors and people coming from a Trump rally.

“If that Trump rally had come, and every one of those cars had carried a lawful gun in their car, which by state law they could have done, we could have had a terrible, terrible tragedy if we’d had a convergence of a large armed population at the intersection of Monroe Street and Apalachee Parkway,” Campbell said.

During the meeting, Mayor John Dailey also asked for a vote of confidence in Revell, who has faced calls to resign from protestors and community leaders. McNeil, Campbell, Florida Department of Law Enforcement Director Mark Glass and Florida State University Police Chief Terri Brown all voiced their support for Revell.

The commissioners also passed a motion to bring back an agenda item considering an audit of TPD’s use of force policy at the next meeting.

11 Responses to "TPD Chief Revell Addresses Saturday’s Protest"

  1. “State Attorney Jack Campbell confirmed that there is a possibility that charges against some of the protestors who were arrested could be dropped.”

    What a surpise! Jack Campbell is as crooked as the day is long, he’s as crooked as any politician has ever been in Tallahassee… and that’s sayin, sumthin’.

  2. Your comments in favor of the police and other LE personnel need to be sent to Commissioners today!

    This would have been a peaceful march, however, was hijacked by the lady in the lead car who slowed down then stopped and refused to move on. Protesters were, actually, in the streets starting on Gaines St shouting, “Whose streets? Our streets!” As reported by a local TV station.

    Again, write lettered if support to commissioners!

  3. Wasn’t Campbell accused of sexual assault in college? His daddy got him out of it is the rumor. He was twice denied acceptance to West Point by the former congressman Allen Boyd even though Larry tried to intimidate staffers.

  4. Between Campbell, McNeil, Revell, Dailey and the Commissioners, this town has too many egos, who are trying to out do, the other. Dailey & the Commissioners need to take a step back and come down, from their power trips. Let Revell and McNeill do what they were elected, to do. As for Campbell, if you drop the charges, on the protesters, the blood is on your hands, when things get even worse. The leadership, in Tallahassee, is pandering to special interest groups, for votes and NOT doing what is best, for Tallahassee.

  5. “Revell, Campbell and Leon County Sheriff Walt McNeil emphasized that law enforcement had a large presence at the demonstration because they were attempting to avoid a clash between Black Lives Matter protesters and people coming from a Trump rally.”

    Excuse me?… when did President Trump arrive in Tallahassee and hold a rally? Where was this alleged rally held? Who were these “people” coming from a Trump rally? Why is this the first anyone is hearing about an alleged “Trump rally” being involved in this woke ignorance?

    And this has got to be one of the most biased and ignorant statements I’ve heard: “If that Trump rally had come, and every one of those cars had carried a lawful gun in their car, which by state law they could have done, we could have had a terrible, terrible tragedy if we’d had a convergence of a large armed population at the intersection of Monroe Street and Apalachee Parkway,” Campbell said.

    And by the way… what was the result – among the Commission – of Mayor Daily’s ask for a “vote of confidence” on Revell? The “opinions” of the other LEOs present are irrelevant.

    1. I believe the Trump supporters caravaned from Alachua County and they were lined up for miles and miles on Capital Circle and the Tallahassee Democrat failed to report on it.

      So kudos to law enforcement for protecting both sides as it seems that the Trump supporters were compliant where the protesters were not.

      Trump supporters are rallying all over the country via boat parades car parades and the fake news is not reporting it.

      Revell is sending a strong message to comply and good for him. The Trump supporters complied and the BLM protesters did not.

      If Dianne Williams Cox thinks she is going to get a meeting with law enforcement how dare she when she is the one that threw the match to ignite this violence in the first place. Law enforcement should deem her an agitator and have nothing to do with her.

  6. Utter poppycock. Precisely where was this phantom armed caravan of Trump supporters? This is pandering in the highest order. The idea that LEO’s were there to protect the protesters from the rogue right wingers may play out well in the hippie coffee shops but it does not pass muster with anyone else.

    The preparations were made due to the singular presence of the announced attendees and their potential to impede, harass, and attack innocent people. It was the right call so just own it.

    And no – don’t drop the charges out of cowardice or due to the groups demands.

    Nation of laws, not men.

  7. Title correction:

    “City Manager Reese Goad Addresses Saturday’s Protest Through The Mouth of His Powerless Mini-Me TPD Chief Revell”

    You are welcome!

  8. It’s shameful how these Commissioners do not support their law enforcement officers. Why anyone would want to continue in a job where the Commission doesn’t have their back is beyond me. I’m grateful they still work to protect and serve because we need law and order, but wouldn’t blame them a bit if they all quit.

    These Commissioners are letting these far left wingers influence them entirely too much and it will come back to bite their butts. If they abide by the law, they won’t get arrested. Quit making martyrs out of criminals!

  9. Again, our law enforcement leadership and rank-and-file did an outstanding job of protecting Tallahassee last weekend. This should be the standard across the country on the way they handled the situation.

    Tallahassee law enforcement leadership also did an outstanding job with their reports to the city commission yesterday.

    The mayor needs to step down and back off because he is nipping at heels where he has no expertise or leadership ability.

    The mayor allows someone without law enforcement experience to be over the Tallahassee law enforcement. That’s where the mayor needs to make an adjustment.

    The person who needs to step off the curb is Matlow. Is he a card-carrying member of BLM and Antifa? Please dial your liberalism down Mr Matlow.

    And to the staff of TR why is yesterday’s article and comments missing?

    Again, thank you so much to the law enforcement leadership and rank-and-file law enforcement for setting the new standard which should be followed across the country regarding protesting. Thank you thank you thank you!

  10. Our Capitol District Kommissars are playing with fire. Marxists always turn on their handlers in the end. As for State Attorney Campbell’s comments about Trump supporters what a ridiculous thing to say. The only violence that occurs has always started from these Burn Loot and Murder, Inc. Marxists, Demonrat leaders and their Antifa Cosplay thugs.

    FWIW, email your Capitol District Kommissars and express your disgust with their despicable virtue signaling on all this nonsense. Let law enforcement do the job we pay them to do with our tax dollars without interference from these despicable Kommissars.

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