Leon County Commission Provides Exemption for Cross Country Sporting Events Only

Leon County Commission Provides Exemption for Cross Country Sporting Events Only

At their Tuesday meeting, the Leon County Commission voted 4-2 to open up county parks for cross country events only. Parks will remain closed for other outdoor sports and athletic events. This comes after the closing of recreational sites due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Leon County Commissioner Nick Maddox pushed to open up the parks to more youth sports but could not get the needed votes due to the concerns from other Commissioners.

Leon County Commissioner Bryan Desolge said I am having a hard time seeing how we do this and maintain that our mask mandate is legit.

Leon County Commissioner Kristen Dozier citing a COVID positivity rate of 15% said she was not willing to make a change.

Commissioner Jimbo Jackson said the possibility of an elderly grandparent getting sick from sporting events sanctioned by the Commission is not something he is willing to support. Jackson ultimately recused himself from the vote due to his job as a principal with Leon County Schools.

Commissioner Mary Ann Lindley said she did not see how to move forward given the current situation, “now is not the time.”

The motion to allow for cross country events was made by Commissioner Rick Minor and passed 4-2 with support from Desloge, Lindley, and Commissioner Bill Proctor. Dozier and Maddox voted against the motion.

Leon County is currently in Phase 2 of its reopening and response plan. Under this phase, the use of community centers and fields for team sports is prohibited, with intentions to resume organized athletic events under Phase 3.

The county released a status report on the use of parks for organized sports, which says that “consistent with public health guidance…the analysis does not support the reopening of County facilities for organized youth sports, playgrounds, or community centers” due to the fact that they promote the gathering of large groups within close proximity.

Protocols for the authorization of the cross country events include the prohibition of spectators, requiring all participants to wear face coverings when not actively competing, temperature checks prior to admission, and confirmation that all competitors, coaches, and other personnel have tested negative for the virus within 72 hours of an event with competitors from outside of Leon, Gadsden, Wakulla, and Jefferson counties.

Also discussed was consideration for the economic factors related to reopening. These include the ability to collect facility user fees, sponsorship of athletic events, and overall revenues generated from the direct spending of visitors to the county.

4 Responses to "Leon County Commission Provides Exemption for Cross Country Sporting Events Only"

  1. The Klown show that is the Capital District Kommissars never cease to amaze. Despicable cowards all of them. Travel youth sports have occurred for a couple of months now throughout the state without these utterly ridiculous and insane restrictions in the Capital District. We’ve had games in Thomasville, Pensacola, Gainesville and Lakeland already. But Kommissar Jimbo is afraid we’re going to murder papa and mema! Get over yourself Kommissar Jimbo! That argument is long gone just like your political career should be if folks had any sense. What tripe! And don’t get me started with Kommissar Dozier. Pathetic! And to put those kind of restrictions on Cross Country sporting events?! Are you lot insane!? This is an outdoor sport that is naturally and easily socially distant!! Keep the Covid-1984 insanity pumping Kommissars! And keep hitting the panic button on this scamdemic.

  2. “The county released a status report…” so, who within the County actually created and released this report? Let’s have more transparency and know who to ask questions of!

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