On Tuesday, Nov. 10, the City Commissioners voted to approve the Cambridge Parc plat for development. The agenda item for the Estates of Southwood plat was removed.
The Cambridge Parc plat is a site west of Thomasville Road and South of Ox Bottom Road. The area is being developed by Cambridge Parc LLC for residential use. The site is 7.45 acres and will result in 26 new lots.
The preliminary plan for this site was approved by the Development Review Committee on March 9, 2020. The construction plan for the site includes roadways, a stormwater management facility, a postal easement, a neighborhood park and a preserved urban forest. The annual cost of utility and roadway maintenance is estimated to be $19,624.
The site location for the Cambridge Parc is shown below.

OK, at 7.45 Acres, remove the land for the roadways, a storm water management facility, a postal easement, a neighborhood park and a preserved urban forest, how much land is left to build those 26 Homes on? 3 or 4? I bet they will be priced at OVER $250,000 each.
“The annual cost of utility and roadway maintenance is estimated to be $19,624.” ………. Seriously? you really believe that? GREAT, if that is TRUE then, let THEM pay for it. $755 a Year for HOA Fee’s is pretty cheap for that area. If people want to live in an exclusive Subdivision, let THEM pay for it. Leave MY tax dollars out of it. Maybe if you make the HOA’s pay for it, it just might slow down some of the developments in that area of town.
Mama Bear, When you get to retirement age you will want to get out of Tallahassee as fast as you can.
We have never second guessed getting out of that town and moving to small town living on 1.5acres that feel like a park. Best part taxes of $1000 a year with discounts for being over 62 and 65 years old.
In White, Co. in Georgia no school taxes after age 65.
living on top of each other is not for us!
Starting to look like a duck. Miami planning started just like this and it appears they all use the same template. More flooding and traffic congestion for all. Sell the land and everyone makes money. Thomasville road is the best!! Easy commute and no traffic.
Meant to say ‘for our children’.
“The construction plan for the site includes roadways, a storm water management facility, a postal easement, a neighborhood park and a preserved urban forest.” Wow, on 7.45 acres with 26 new lots? Do a little math, each site WITHOUT a park, roads, or ‘preserved urban forest’ would be .28 or a quarter of an acre – tiny lots and small homes. Will there be a border for sound management from the busy Thomasville road? Who will want the homes right up against Thomasville road? I can only imagine that the City Commission is thinking 1. fine it’s not in my neighborhood, 2. this is good for MY pocket book. I doubt they are thinking about the urban plan or growth of our town. We have a once in a millennium opportunity to really plan a beautiful city – but most of the ‘planning’ follows the predictable Florida path of build now ask forgiveness later. I am not against housing and/or growth – just quality of life issues or children. I have already lived through urban growth in central and south Florida. They made a mess of things. You know what they say about doing the same thing over and expecting different results.