Data from the Leon County Sheriff’s Office Booking Report show that arrests during the first 17 days of 2021 when compared to the same period in 2020 are down approximately 41%. The data shows that there were 289 arrests in 2021 and 491 in 2020.
This is a trend that began last year.
Arrest comparisons for various categories are shown below.
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The number of people booked into jail was down 45%. Arrests related to violent charges was down 46.4% and property related charges were down 72.3%.

Note: This report is based off of information from the daily LCSO Booking Reports. The data is complied and coded by Tallahassee Reports. The plan is to publish these reports on a weekly basis.
So crimes are up but arrests are down? Tell me again how there hasn’t been a chilling effect on law enforcement in this country? Especially in liberal strongholds. Then they wonder why people start fleeing in droves and how they are going to continue to subsidize “free stuff for everyone” if all the people paying the tab leave.
Yes, it’s important to be clear, these are not reports of crimes but only arrests. If crime is going up and arrests are going down – we are less safe as a city. That IS a problem.
That’s because more emphasis is being placed on enlarging command staff. Giving inmates computers. Providing all kinds of services of inmates instead of enforcing laws, being proactive in criminal investigations and encouraging your deputies to enforce the law.
I’ve noticed in the last few stolen car bail outs TPD’s been letting the perps run away. Does that count as bringing crime down?