After nine members were appointed to the Tallahassee Citizens Police Review Board (CPRB), the City Commissioners voted to appoint Commissioner Curtis Richardson’s nominee Rashad Mujahid as the CPRB’s first chairperson on Jan. 27.
Mujahid spoke to Tallahassee Reports about his hopes for the CPRB as well as why he thinks the board is important for the community and the Tallahassee Police Department.
“I want to see a board that is open and accessible to the public and that we have some real impact. We want to give the people in the community a legitimate feeling that their voice is being heard,” Mujahid said. “We are not advocating for either one side; we want to make sure that there is open communication between both our citizens and our police force as well as letting our community know that their concerns will be sincerely looked at as it relates to whatever issue that may come up.”
Mujahid said he’s always been active in the Tallahassee community and that he was asked to apply for the chairperson position. He said he is honored that he was selected and hopes he can represent the Board the best way he can.
“I think Tallahassee is an excellent city, and I just wanted to find a way to serve, so I put in an application to sit on the board,” Mujahid said.
Mujahid declined to speak on what he thought about the grand jury rulings of the officer-involved shootings last year, as well as other issues Tallahassee law enforcement may have, due to confidentiality.
“These are issues we will probably have to look at as a board and I don’t want to get out in front of the board by giving my personal input.” Mujahid said.
Mujahid also commented on Tallahassee’s narrative versus the national narrative towards law enforcement.
“Our narrative is different, and I want to make sure it stays different. We aren’t perfect, but we haven’t had the same issues that you see nationally. That is why this board is so important — so that we can discuss any type of issues that may come up and get ahead of it, which I know we can,” Mujahid said. “Ultimately it is about having a force that is receptive to all people in Tallahassee and making sure everyone is getting a fair shake. We have both the compacity as a community and a leadership community to do so.”
The CPRB’s first meeting will be held at 5:30 p.m. on March 4.
He is a master at using political comments to say absolutely nothing. He is purposely masking his political beliefs. He is beholden to the city commissioner who nominated him. The grand jury will not be bound by the comments of the review board. One is a judicial process, while the other is a political sideshow.
The board has no credibility simply because they have no background, training or experiences in the field of law enforcement. Do you think any of them have had to try to arrest a drunk, violent, armed person? Do you think any of them have any concept of making a split second decision that resulted in a shooting?
The board was created by our politicians as an appeasement to the left. It also conveniently gives our city managers a buffer from criticism. They don’t have to make unpopular decisions when the board does it for them.
The city commission undermined the city ethics board because it wasn’t subordinate to them and they were afraid of what it may find. No such concerns exist with the review board.
Talk talk talk yakety-yak blah-blah babble gibberish double talk and so on and so forth yada yada yada hot air rant on and on idle talk hype wind all talk broken record yawn… my expectations for action on this committee is zero zip zilch and nada.
How would you like to be second guessed by some clown named “Mujahid” who wants to maintain “open communication” with the people but can’t tell you what he thinks until the board decides what their story is going to be…
You couldn’t pay me enough to deal with those idiots, no wonder the cops haven’t signed a contract, the City of Tallahassee doesn’t have enough money, the State doesn’t have enough money… Bill Gates doesn’t have enough flippin’ money!
“Mujahid said he’s always been active in the Tallahassee community ” ……………….. WELL….WHAT have you been ACTIVELY DOING in the Community? My guess is, NOT MUCH. Over the past ten Years, I have YET to hear ANY of the Black Community Leaders even come close to admitting that we have a huge problem with Blacks committing the most crime in Tallahassee or even a huge problem with Black on Black Crime. Until you can SAY it or Admit it, you can’t HELP it. It’s there, you just don’t want to see it…………. like that Dark Cloud over Tallahassee City Commission.
As long as you are talking to the people……. TELL them to STOP Resisting, STOP being Argumentative, STOP being Combative, NOT to Run and DON’T give the Officer a reason to put their hand on their GUN. Tell them to drop any thing they are holding in their hands (other than a child or pet), just open their hand and let it fall. Show the Officer their hands are empty simply by turning them Palm Side out WITH OUT raising then. Keep their hands open and in full view. Be respectful. YES it really IS that simple. I don’t CARE if your feelings are hurt, just DO IT. Just remember, YOUR Stupid act CAN get you killed.
Keep in mind that the City Commission won’t give the Police a contract!
From what I understand Phil it is way worse than 30 vacancies. National studies 15 years ago said we should have 600 officers I believe they’re down to the lowest they’ve been since the late 90s.
“We aren’t perfect, but we haven’t had the same issues that you see nationally.” … followed by … “Ultimately it is about having a force that is receptive to all people in Tallahassee and making sure everyone is getting a fair shake.” … so… we don’t have a problem, but we have a problem… contradict much?
A feckless and futile solution to a manufactured problem based on ZRO facts
The city commission and city manager still won’t give our Law Enforcement Officers a contract. How pathetic!
Regarding a Police Officer shooting someone who points a firearm at them, a Grand Jury rules on what they see on the body cams. They don’t make stuff up.
No wonder TPD has 30 vacancies they can’t fill. It’s just going to get worse. Where are the social workers that were promised? I would love to see how that program is working!