Commissioner Williams-Cox Seeks Information on “Monthly Income” Programs

Commissioner Williams-Cox Seeks Information on “Monthly Income” Programs

During the sharing of ideas part of the March 24th City Commission meeting, Commissioner Dianne Williams-Cox asked for more information about the success of cities using “monthly income” programs to address poverty.

Commissioner Williams-Cox noted that many cities across the country are dealing with poverty by using a program to identify or select a small group of people to receive a monthly income.

Commissioner Williams-Cox asked Mayor Dailey if he would reach out to his fellow mayors across the country to inquire about the results of such programs. Mayor Dailey said he would seek out the information and bring the findings back to the Commission.

Commissioner Porter added that she was aware of such programs and voiced the opinion that the pilot projects were “cool” and “extremely promising,” and something that she wished to learn more about.

Monthly Income Programs

A number of cities have launched guaranteed income programs including Gainesville, Florida and Oakland, California. Proponents say the programs provide households financial stability and come without the social stigma of programs such as welfare and food stamps.

This year the Gainesville City Commission voted to implement a pilot program slated to begin in October. Gainesville Mayor Lauren Poe has been part of the national initiative, “Mayors for a Guaranteed Income,” to supply monthly, direct cash payments to people who are struggling. The pilot program would begin by giving cash to people with criminal records and who are looking to rehabilitate their lives.

Elected officials in Oakland, California recently unveiled the Oakland Resilient Families program which will give qualifying families $500 a month, with no rules on how they spend it. The program has so far raised $6.75 million from private donors.

To be eligible for the Oakland scheme, people must have at least one child under 18 and income at or below 50% of the area median income – about $59,000 a year for a family of three. The program will limit participation strictly to “Black, Indigenous and other communities of color.”

“The poverty we all witness today is not a personal failure, it is a systems failure,” Libby Schaaf, Oakland’s mayor, said in a statement. “Guaranteed income is one of the most promising tools for systems change, racial equity and economic mobility we’ve seen in decades. I’m proud to work with such committed local partners to build a new system that can help undo centuries of economic and racial injustice, and point us all toward a more just society.”

Free Market Economist Supported Guaranteed Income

Prominent free market economist Milton Friedman supported a guaranteed income in his book “Capitalism and Freedom”.

Friedman argued that the approach could “replace the ragbag of specific welfare programs” and increase government efficiency. The approach would allow poor people to have the same freedom of those with resources without “requiring them to come before a government official to tally all their assets and liabilities and be told that you may spend X dollars on rent, Y dollars on food, etc.”

It is important to note that none of the current programs being promoted by cities contemplate ending the current web of social safety net programs.

Friedman also argued that a guaranteed income would help end the welfare trap. Federal programs currently penalize people who take a job by ending benefits. Referring to welfare, Friedman said, “we make it almost impossible for them to get off. In order for somebody who gets on to get off, he or she has to be able to have a really good job, because to get off gradually, to earn a little bit, now doesn’t pay…”

Public Opinion

Based on polling results, U.S. adults are split on the idea of a guaranteed basic income.

A recent Pew Research Center survey revealed that a “narrow majority of U.S. adults (54%) say they would oppose the federal government providing a guaranteed income – sometimes called a universal basic income (UBI) – of about $1,000 per month for all adult citizens, whether or not they work; 45% favor the proposal.”

The survey indicated broad and intense opposition among Republicans and support by Democrats.

However, a 2020 Hill-HarrisX poll found a majority of voters believe the government should have a universal basic income program. Fifty-five percent of registered voters in the Aug. 2-5 survey were in support of universal basic income, while 45 percent were not.

The Hill-HarrisX poll found support for the program has gradually grown in the past year. The survey found an increase in support across demographic groups, primarily among younger voters and Democratic voters.

Tallahassee Reports will continue to follow the actions taken by the Tallahassee City Commission related to a guaranteed basic income.

19 Responses to "Commissioner Williams-Cox Seeks Information on “Monthly Income” Programs"

  1. I fully support a Guaranteed Income. Yep, you get up, Get Dressed, go to Work, and BOOM, you now have guaranteed income.

  2. Dianne Williams Cox’s second attempt at buying votes as last week she gave city employees a day off to vote. Now she is promoting her constituents to be paid a salary to vote for her….

    I believe we have seen enough and an investigation is in order as she is openly attempting to buy votes.

    This is not helping… only herself. This is the most disgraceful egregious act I have seen by a local politician recently.

  3. You should check out Magnolia Terrace low income housing. It is disguising. During the recent renovation, residents would not cooperate by cleaning their homes so workers to get the remodel completed. Instead, the company had to give them gift cards just to get some cooperation. You can throw money at the problem all day long but until you address the real problem, it will just continue.

  4. (insert sarcasm) I would like to thank all you parents that raised up this group of lazy, good for nothing people that don’t even want to try and succeed. ( remove sarcasm) You are responsible for the demise of our country and community.

  5. “Oaklands program has raised 6.75 million from private donors”

    I have no problem if private donors want to donate money…but the problem is, taxing authorities will take over the payments once its started…then they’ll be unable to stop it…or the recipients will riot and loot.

    Once UBI is established in a few cities it’ll spread like all the other socialists ideas, and this country will become Europe or worse. Minimum 30% of the population will “apply” for this free money and our economy will not support this level of spending by so few people left working and paying taxes and being productive. This is exactly what the left wants to do…create a huge crisis then claim to be our savior by taking care of us thru socialism…and of course in order to take care of us….they’ll need to “reimagine” the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

    This may not come in my lifetime..but it is coming.

    The 2nd Ammendment is what the left fears most. Never allow them to take it away! Not even an inch of it!

  6. “The survey found an increase in support across demographic groups, primarily among younger voters and Democratic voters.”

    Because they are all a bunch of Worthless Lazyass SOB’s, that’s why. You SHOULD be asking Small Business Owners and their Employee’s if they want their money going to these people.

  7. Quote ” Proponents say the programs provide households financial stability and come without the social stigma of programs such as welfare and food stamps.”

    There should be stigma, and a finite time period, other wise why get off your backside and work.

    Quote”The survey found an increase in support across demographic groups, primarily among younger voters and Democratic voters.”

    Expanded socialism is coming, govt officials are using it to buy votes from those who should not be voting at all. Who is going to vote their passive meal ticket out of office?

  8. It’s because of WOKE Crap like this is why I won’t be starting my Business in a few Months like I was planning on. I will just do it as a Hobby and if I need something done that I can’t do, I will just pay someone “Cash under the table” to do it for me.

  9. Quite likely her interest in monthly income programs comes from her promise to spend more money on the Southside of Tallahassee.
    After a while on the Commission she is now painfully aware the money spent on schools, fancy sports parks, and basically every expenditure historically and in the future is spent and will continue to be spent everywhere but the Southside.
    Now the odds of the Pie In The Sky Monthly Income Programs being implemented are less than zero.

    But thats not the end game here. Williams-Cox realizes the only way to backtrack on the promise to spend more money on the Southside is to show through feigned support of a free money scam that she cares. And honestly being seen to care is enough for our liberal politicians to get themselves reelected again.
    Note to locals: Dont hold your breath for your free monthly income.

  10. I am surprised that those in the communities of color that were so adamantly opposed to slavery support this concept as all it does is change the address of the plantation from the big house on the hill to the city hall. It is a basic truth that you cannot be a free people and depend others to supply your needs. To see that we have elected officials that don’t know this is beyond disturbing.

  11. Alinsky Semantics Translation…

    Commissioner Dianne Williams-Cox asked for more information about the success of cities using “monthly income” programs to address poverty.”

    Translation: Ignore any negative data and facts, and lie to us in order to forward the agenda


    “monthly income” programs to address poverty.

    Translation: More welfare for the lazy and non-contributors


    Commissioner Porter added that she was aware of such programs and voiced the opinion that the pilot projects were “cool” and “extremely promising,”

    Translation: I’m clueless and have already been told what to think. (Apologies to Former Commissioner Bryant. I made a mistake and I own it)


    … programs provide households financial stability and come without the social stigma of programs such as welfare and food stamps.

    Translation: If we just change the name, people will “feel” better about being lazy and non-contributors


    The program will limit participation strictly to “Black, Indigenous and other communities of color.”

    Translation: Poor people with lower levels of melanin in their skin are not deserving of assistance, because they have lower levels of melanin in their skin. (the very definition of Racism)


    “The poverty we all witness today is not a personal failure, it is a systems failure,”

    Translation: Your failures are not your fault, so just keep on failing


    Friedman argued that the approach could “replace the ragbag of specific welfare programs”

    Translation: Use this lie to sell it. Government has not and will not ever eliminate a social welfare program


    “The pilot program would begin by giving cash to people with criminal records…”

    Translation: In NaziCrat Utopia, you are neither responsible nor accountable for your criminal acts. Crime pays in NaziCrat Utopia… rape, pillage, loot, and murder to your evil hearts content… we NaziCrats got your back


    “… penalize people who take a job”

    Translation: “… penalize people who take a job”, thus keeping them on the NaziCrat Plantation


    Public Opinion

    Translation: Push-Polling to misrepresent reality, manipulate the weak minded, and control the ill-educated in order to achieve predetermined outcome

    … thus endith the lesson… carry on

  12. “It is important to note that none of the current programs being promoted by cities contemplate ending the current web of social safety net programs.”

    Steve makes the key statement in the article. UBI is a fool’s errand and a tool of the left to continue to subvert the system.

    I spent this past weekend outside Atlanta and everywhere I went I saw help wanted signs. Granted most of these were from restaurants and retail outlets. The point is, there are jobs available for those who want to work. However, with insane minimum wage dictates, constant federal payouts for the plandemic, unemployment benefits, mandating these poor workers mask up eight plus hours a day and now UBI, there’s zero incentive for folks to get out there and seek employment even when jobs are available.

  13. UBI will happen in the next thirty years because the robots are coming for everyone’s jobs.

    They could pretty much already write most of the comments on these pages.

  14. Poor and white you’re SOL- only dark colored people can suffer and be poor thankfully you have so much privilege you won’t have to worry ???? crazy ass lunatic ignorant beyond racist fools.

  15. Is this where these lunatics are going? “Monthly Incomes” with my money? I am getting the hell outta Tallahassee if that’s what it is coming to. Comissioner Cox has lost what is left of her ever lovin mind.

  16. There are a lot of Businesses that can’t find Workers because they are paid MORE to stay home, This has to stop NOW or the Businesses will close and then where will you get your Taxes from to support those lazyasses to stay home?

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