Leon County Votes to Implement Phase 3 Re-opening Plan

Leon County Votes to Implement Phase 3 Re-opening Plan

The Leon County Commission voted unanimously to direct the County Administrator to implement Phase 3 of the Leon County COVID-19 Response and Re-opening Plan and to schedule the first and only public hearing to consider the repeal of the mask mandate ordinance on June 8.

During the discussion, Leon County Commissioner Kristen Dozier voiced concerns about the recent increase of the COVID positivity rate.

Under a full Phase 3 opening all County services and facilities would return to normal operations and capacity, as follows:

  • The County would recommend, rather than require, citizens continue wearing face coverings and practicing physical distancing when inside County facilities as recommended by the CDC and would produce signs to advise citizens of these recommended actions.
  • Commission meetings would return to unrestricted in-person participation; accommodations would continue to be made for citizens wishing to participate remotely or to provide written comment until such time as the CDC no longer recommends indoor mitigative measures.
  • Temperature screening devices would still be present at the Courthouse; however, citizens would be advised, rather than required, to check their temperature before entering the building. As judicial branch functions are not subject to the Governor’s Executive Orders, the chief judge may continue to implement mitigative measures for court-related functions.
  • County Libraries would re-open at full capacity.
  • All County passive and active recreation facilities would fully re-open, including reservations for community centers and pavilions. Cross-country event organizers and sports leagues would be encouraged to continue implementing their safety plans.
  • With respect to the County’s sponsorship of outdoor events, as previously discussed, the Board approved resuming outdoor and virtual FY 2021 Tourism event grants with a requirement that event organizers submit and enforce mitigation plans as a condition of County funding. In light of the Executive Orders, it is recommended that the County continue its sponsorship of these events with a recommendation to event operators that they continue to enforce their safety plans.
  • In Phase 3, the County would resume its sponsorship of indoor visitor-generating events, similarly encouraging event organizers and attendees to follow CDC guidance. As presented to the Board at the January 26, 2021 meeting, the County’s FY 2021 event grant application cycle was intentionally delayed in order to gather additional revenue forecasts and to align grant guidelines with the County’s Plan.  After careful consideration, the County proceeded with the FY 2021 event grants application cycle in anticipation of better future conditions that would allow these events to occur. The decision to initiate the application cycle was designed to position the community to host events by the start of Phase 3 rather than wait until Phase 3 to initiate the grant cycle. FY 2021 event grant applications have previously been reviewed and ranked by the Tourist Development Council, and funding is available to support these events.
  • Under Phase 3 of the County’s re-opening plan, County-organized concerts and events would resume. As indicated above, the County would continue to encourage attendees’ compliance with the latest public health guidance from the CDC. The next Leon County-sponsored concert at the Capital Cascades Amphitheater is J.J. Grey & Mofro, scheduled for September 10, 2021.

13 Responses to "Leon County Votes to Implement Phase 3 Re-opening Plan"

  1. More BS. I am going to the meeting, take my mask off and cough extremely loudly. I bet they will panic and run for the doors.

  2. After all the big retailers dropped their mask requirements(Walmart, Publix, Costco) I would guess the smaller business will fall in line. They’ll start getting enough customers complaining that they are not following CDC guidelines.

  3. My experience on 5/14, 1) small business – full masks and social distancing, when I refused to wear a mask that employees and a customer said they did not feel safe around me. I produced my vaccine card – showing I was fully vaccinated early February – no deal. No mask, no service!
    They were all under 35 yrs, (estimate).
    2) went to a nursery and stayed outside – plenty of fresh air, plenty of social distancing – everyone required to wear a mask – outside!
    3) went to Hobby Lobby – walked around store – almost no one wearing a mask – no one uptight or disrespectful.
    See what we can do when we follow “the science” and stop living in fear. This has nothing to do with my politics and everything to do with the measured results of Pfizer, Moderna vaccine, and the estimated numbers of people already recovered from the virus!

  4. I’m grateful that, even though they destroyed local businesses, that our beloved Commissioners retained full pay and allowances throughout the Fake Pandemic. It is so easy to tell when they are lying to us….their lips are moving.

  5. With all the facts coming out about how the CDC, Dr. Frauchi, the Political hacks and the Media PACs have lied endlessly and intentionally to the American public about most everything associated with the China Bio-Weapon Flu Scamdemic… one wonders if there will ever be ANY accountability for the damage they’ve knowingly, willingly, and maliciously cause our county, our citizens, our economy, and our children.

  6. Is this photo correct? Bill Proctor is the only one without a mask! Who knew he would ever be the smartest guy in the room.

  7. Again, while I may have some issues with Gov. DeSantis, I am forever grateful that he finally dropped the nuke from orbit on these filthy maskhole addicted, Branch Covidian Kommissars. Their cultish addiction to anything and everything wrong from the CDC is a site to behold along with their abject lack of critical thinking and leadership.

    Now we need to shame the priests, pastors and ministers in the Capital District who are also slavish Branch Covidian cult members and share the same invincible ignorance, complete lack of critical thinking and slavish addiction as the Kommissars.

  8. Wow, talk about a day late and a dollar short! The rest of Florida was in “Phase 3” back in September. Thanks to Gov. DeSantis for dragging Leon county out of their Covid hysteria.

  9. Just when you thought they couldn’t prove themselves to be further disconnected and more foolish…. yes, let’s have a public hearing to talk about doing something that’s already been done, and letting people do something they already been doing.

    Next I expect a Board Resolution to commit to landing a man on the Sun… if we go at night that is.

  10. Nice of them. Moot, thanks to the Governor, but how wonderfully benevolent of our ruling commission.

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