City to Approve $600,000 Grant Application for Disabled Transportation Program

City to Approve $600,000 Grant Application for Disabled Transportation Program

At Wednesday’s meeting, the Tallahassee City Commission is expected to approve the staff’s request to submit the FY 2021-2022 Florida Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged Trip & Equipment Grant application. The grant, as proposed, will provide up to $600,000 in funding for non-sponsored transportation services to disabled citizens traveling within Leon County.

What qualifies someone to be considered “Transportation Disabled?”

Citizens who have limited or no access to transportation and are either disabled, elderly, a child at-risk, or low-income are considered Transportation Disabled. The grant will continue a program that has supported the residents of Leon County with limited mobility for a number of years.

StarMetro has served as the Florida Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged designated Community Transportation Coordinator (CTC) for Leon County since February 2002. The program is mandatory for all Florida counties and is funded through grants and voluntary contributions. The Florida Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged manages funds for the Transportation Disadvantaged in each county.

The grant, if approved, will also allow the City of Tallahassee to access the funds necessary for citizen’s travel needs while ensuring accessible and affordable public transportation.

Trips provided by the Transportation Disadvantaged in Leon County are either sponsored or unsponsored. Sponsored trips are funded through state services such as Medicaid and unsponsored trips are funded through grants and local services such as Leon County or the Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged.

3 Responses to "City to Approve $600,000 Grant Application for Disabled Transportation Program"

  1. Every Star Metro bus has an electronically extended ramp for anyone who is disabled and the driver will strap a wheelchair rider’s wheelchair to ‘eye bolts.

  2. The general concept is all warm, fuzzy, and feel good all over! On the surface – good on you local elected Nannies for moving forward on the grant.

    However this type of funding sounds pretty much like a get it and spend it without much local oversight situation.
    One would hope that given Leon/Tallahassee’s recent past record of corruption that the FL Comm. for the Transportation Disadvantaged already knows to be suspicious of any reports submitted to them on how the money was spent.
    Sorry local elected Nannies not enough time has passed for you to be trusted without constant oversight.

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